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Show oo Superintendent Fowler Explains Program Having nearly completed the two month' course in school work, set !a?ide by county school authorities for the purpose of making up time for the period lost last year because of the Influenza epidemic the present ear's program will commence at the beginning begin-ning of the third month, November 17 The review period was deemed advisable advis-able because of the fact that 2,8mi -iu-dents were compelled to stay from school because of the influenza epidemic epi-demic Superintendent Fowler explained the situation yesterday in the following letteM tb principals of the various schools : "In another week we shall have completed the two-month period set aside as 'he makeup and review period Ol ibH pre ent year's program. The Students whose work would Indicate general fitness to go on to a grade in I advance of the one they were placed J in at the opening of the year are to be given this promotion at tho beginning Dl ihe third month, Monday, November Novem-ber 17th Others who need building up will be obliged to continue the year In the same grade as last year You and your teachers are to determine deter-mine which ones go on and which re main in the same grade. The supervisors super-visors and I will help in any way we can No examinations will be sent from this office, and the matter of pro mot i tiK from one room to another, or promoting the pupils and leaving them in the same rcom will also be left to local conditions in the individual individ-ual schools. All are asked to combine! their best judgment and willingness to co-operate to bring about a fair adjustment ad-justment of this problem. Not all nted be promoted, but my impression is that most of them should go on This opinion is based upon what I have observed of their age and gen era! fitness as 1 have visited the schools of the county." |