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Show I WEBER TRIUMPHS I OVER L D. S. II IN FAST GAME I Weber Normal colli ft add d another to ' nil." el i,m Vestedaj afternoon when thej defeated tiio L it. s. ariddera of Ball Lake a( Lorin ! Karr park i a score oi SI to 0 The IWchcr players started after bonora in the first period and deaplti the heavy field played 'ho visitors off theii feel Old Mm .Mnx was again present V i terday when the Weber griddei K, nod war logs. In five games played Hjr" here this season four of the number liae been played nil m.id.h 1 1 Idl and the jinx seems to hoM only when Weber playi However the gam.- yet terday was a pood exhibition of foot-hall foot-hall with the Weber men displaying t v considerable class in spite of weather handicaps. Lindsay, ihe speedy baCkfield star or the Webei team, -cored the rirsl touchdown in the first period when he circled the er lor iong gains In the remaining periods Hickman, I'roft, Critchlow and Jeppaon carried 'he oval B over the line, thus making the score 31 Ht , to o Tour of the five chances at IV, goals after touchdowns wore misred ri Jeppson, Critchlow, Lindaa) am! roft were the bright lights for the V Weber players For the invaders llo-gan. llo-gan. Papworth and Pennion played K cood ball Following ihe game the m players were banquncd at Weber J academy. Following the banquet a dance was held in honor ol the vlsliori Th. lineup 1 Weber. L D B L; Crdfl -.c . . Iverson jil l.inford ....... rg Ferry L" Foutz lg Raines 0 Davis rt Papworth Bkr Doxey It Cannon HgT Hickman re Th'dall f Critchlow le Blndaay 'hfc hinds;.;. Ihb Bennior. Jeppson rhb Iving Hi Wilcox fh Wor, iui |