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Show With a record of the longest run ever accorded a dramatic produc-I produc-I tion in New York City as well as the most enthusiastic endorccmcnt of the press and public of other cit-I cit-I les, "JOHN FERGUSON" comtd to jjj the Orpheum Theater Tuesday and Wednesday, November 11-12. I per- sonally recommend it as one of tho most important offerings that may I be expected to visit Ogden dur-ng the local theater year. (J F. GOSS. Manager Orpheum Theater. THE THEATRE GUILD, Inc., New York presents John Ferguson With a Superb Metropolitan Cast and I I Production fi i A fascinating, character delineation of Northern Ireland. A simple story, yet throbbing in its intensity and delightful in its genuine humor. Seat Sale Now on. Prices, 50c to $2.00 ' (War Tax additionr.i) (Af WA Under One lflnk JSsR 1 Continuous I WE WANT TO SERVE YOU i f i and ve know that you will benefit by availing I yourself of the complete facilities which the 1 i OGDEN STATE BANK provides for its cus- li tomers. 9 I I 1 LET'S GET ACQUAINTED I! Step in any time we are centrally located a , talk with our officers regarding the advantages J of carrying either a checking or 4 per cent 1 ; Savings Account in this HOME COMMUNITY i bank. J i Ogden State Bank j i Capital and Surplus $300,000.00 i L , eVv TEREST COMPOUNDED i O I i O QUARTERLY ON SAVINGS L-0 SLOW DEATH Aches, pains, nervQusness, difficulty diffi-culty in urinating, often mean serious disorders. The world's I standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles COLD MEDAL bring- quick relief and oftan ward off daadlr diseases. Known as tha national ramedy of Holland for mora than 200 years. All druggists, in three aires. LoV for thm nam Cold MmJ&I on Try box and accapt no inllatloa -I MR. BUSINESSMAN I How would the death of a manager, partner or associate in busmesj affect af-fect YOU? We can protect you at very low cost. I MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. 602 Eccle Bldg I Phones: 655 - 2454. J. P. CARRY, Dist. 8uot V 11 Read the Classified Ar!.. ! GAMBLING With many people tho J t piueing of money tu t i stocks or bombs Ifl j I I hem h Ramble they a rii ' i uninformed us to the real ' I investment security of i ihe stock under consider- ' ation. It Is our duty to keep well Informed on J every stock and to dls- ', tribute this information ' to our clients withou J cost to them I LIBERTY BONOS I w caa auv mom aoiM - q. f . fOM J l tOJ MUt MLl jflHoiiBftroi ICCLES U)lr, 169 MAIN ST OO06N SALT LAKE Call on J. J. Brummitt at 2417 Hudson avenue, if you want to sell your Liberty, bonds. Phone 59. "SLOAN'S LINIMENT NEVER FAILS ME!" Any man or woman who keeps it handy will tell you hat same thing. ESPECIALLY fiosc frequently at- j tacked by rheumatic twinge- a , counter-irritant, Sloan's Liniment scatters the congestion and penetrates I without rubbing to the affllc'ed part soon relieved the a-ho and pa,n j Kept handy anl used everywhere for reducing and finally eliminating !ihe pains and aches of lumbago, neu Iralgia, muscle stra.n, joint stiffness,! ! sprains, bruises, the result of exposure to weather. Sloan's Liniment is sold by all drug I gists. 35c, 70c, $1.40. ras 1 I If Fa m ft bLI IBIIH xHBsBw I JSMBSSSMHhnMjy I iCGlttlf I ntii I til Makes Better Bread J UTAH GRAIN & ELEVATOR CO. II ; OGDEN, UTAH pPHIsSS. Wholesale Distributors r j I THE RELIABLE II We are specialists in the treatment of Pyorrheo, GROWN 1 1 We are specialists in Crown and Bridge Work, PAINLESS I We have a specialist in Plate or False Teeth Work. If you have plates you cannot wear, see us DENTISTS 1 1 J We have the largest office in Ogden. Our fifth year I without a change of management, which makes our I guarantee good. 2468 Washington Ave., East Side. Phone 549. anMMMHsssWBsVBSVWBBM TYPEWRITERS j ALL MAKES Repaired and Rebuilt. Typewriter Supplies. Agency Royal and Corona. OGDEN TYPEWRITER HOUSE ' H. C. CHAPIN. Prop. 2422 Hudson. Phone 236. Buy the Cement that I is Best hv Test 1 'I rade Mark j will Made by the Ogden Portland p! Cement Co, c Ogden, Utah. j j |