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Show HENRI SCOTT WINS LOUD APPLAUSE FROM APPRECIATIVE I AUDIENCE AT THE TABERNACLE m (By Godfrey Matthews ) If The .- on.! ! ISOH .. was well uliin.1 .1 at Hi.- Vah.-r-ptl kut night, when the principal I ; stifle v.io Henri Scotl ... tin M tropoll-Klin tropoll-Klin Opera company. S" Voii; Man Bight, col ui.'.. nil u( Hi.- i : Hjiliiy of a liv n i-w ....... i!i M&Kt; Inlcrcatid 10 I- n I v, uld b Htic quality oi vocal work done l on I pbo has rcai bed 1 1 1 lughTt lun-of lh A HlJder of op'-r;illi i ; ami why h.i. i -B?ived all his tramm- .11 1 in.- . mintn. , 1 1 ott is an Ann 1 an basi Ualnc-d 1) teachers In this country and has won I hit in ji.j! ..( in I'hii go in l Rie'v York, but ri i:i.ii . I JB k must have been a grt delight I Bjr. Scott to n-ioi.n.z. ti... t despite ti I Ban that 'h i r:n B-JI1I..1 out 10 h N ill si 1 1 vit . ffihr nui 1? 1. 1 one J. rid In thi Hh-.-t humor of -. ppreclatlori The rc-Bt rc-Bt 'a? called i:;mn tip.- fourteen Bunit-' re. Bnior Kf,h( songs he ihou'ii .1 beaut of 111-Btrp'eti'tu.ii 111-Btrp'eti'tu.ii . ' .1 : r. . . 1 enunciation I mn foei of v 1 v In. . ..n! 1. Hiscrlb I h glo on Choir Delights Audience McimIm oi i Hi ... n ho li I Btteln.1 Hi. grow Ih the T I nfl ' IKhou unJ r i!- d..- on of M loseph IUntne lookt-d for.ard to the rondl-Bon rondl-Bon of iIip Rain Scene from HHJah" Hlendelssohn). end were delighted with Bst night's orinanei Tho wor'.:, Hmigh not the o t rlnh- rtc. Is siiffle ientl.v difficult to call forth ireful conducting pnd fine shades of Bspfc-"ion ami oxt'-pt foi ." sltrrlit ni Bpke In the r -. m- the I i - - ward? (he close of the seen the chords n-if excellently rendered. Mr Scott's Holo work r.a? sufficiently dramatic to tafce the realistic appeal which the eom-B?er eom-B?er Intended and in !h - work Bat Sijej hy Mrs. Myrtle TTiglev who e fiiritr soprano was heard to good cf- Apart entlrrh- from the heavy operatic oper-atic fo!o-. Mr Srr.u. vrin perhaps be be Bmeml- red b many whose love or ln'Js" 1 on' "p. . Horlon that of H.-'ir. for V v. on.' . f. 1 rendition of he dramatic solo. "Ethiopia 8a1utlng Me Colors" a poem of Whitman's Bt1 Brmisv- bv Eurlei?h a song railing for fine.t shades or expression and ln-Brr.i.vJon ln-Brr.i.vJon which he rendered In mort Bl"ri styl, and for "Lons Vgo In lesla'-.-, , v,rr f0nr. v ,., .n ,,. B" r robereat composers in the rid of rmisl. Mossagei and for the , negro spiritual, 'Golden Crown " which showed Mi: SeoU not only as a student of foreipn music, but as a deeply appreciative ap-preciative student of negro compositions. The little sonp. Winn Daddy Shiga," was a most cheerful delight and finely done in addition to the hea program noted l low Mr. Scott ang as encores. "Tlie Toreador Song," Kipling's "Man-dalay" "Man-dalay" and 'The Watera of Mlnoetonka." Mr. Rcott was ably aided at the piano by Mr. A. 'int r Smith, a young pianist pian-ist and accompanist Known to Ogd-n audiences as the accompanist of the Royal Gwent Male Voice Choir, an aggregation ag-gregation of musical talent that gave great delight to the western countrv, most of whose members lost their lives or. the Ill-fated Lusltaulaj Mr Smith returned re-turned from army service In France in t June last and has had the opportunity I of tlii oe months' study with famous t Parisian teachers. Ills work at the piano ln.-t niht show, d him to be a I most sympathetic student of the needs ! of the soloist whom fie followed closely I and accurately In every demand made of him. Mrmv in Ihe audi,' nee would hno been ; I delighted if the fine work done at the piano could have been further manifest- j ! ed by a rolo piece from this finely 1 j equipped young artiste The full program was as follows: I -Mr "Avant do Quitter ccs Lleux" I (from " Faust") .. Gounod1 j Le Lazzerono . Femart L.c Cor Flegicr Mr. Seott Ethiopia Saluting the Colors (Walt Whitman) Burleigh BaLilon (Christina Uosetll) TIom-T j Come Hither. Lyttel Chllde (Mediae-cal (Mediae-cal Eenlldc Song) Kugenc Field.... j Spaulding j Of Those Who Change MacFadyon When Your Dear Hands LaForgo Mi Scott Rain Sene (roni lHJah). Mendelssohn Mr Henri SootL Mrs. Myrtle B. Higlcy and Tabernacle Choir. (Who Is Sylvia? Schubert 1 Long Ago In Alcala MCSSager I Golden Crown (Negro Spiritual) Ganlvoorl , Values A'anderpool j When Daddy Sings Ilarrlj 1 Mr Seott |