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Show POSTAL EMPLOYEES' SALARY INOBEASED BY GOVERNMENT The- salary increase bill, providing for an increased salarv for postal em ploves, become effective today without with-out the president's signature, according accord-ing lo advices received from E. N Benton, president of the eighth division, divis-ion, railway mail association. The passing of the bill will affect in the neighborhood of three hundred Oirrlon postal employes, the workers ol the R M s being affected a? well as the postofflce clerks and car riers. Salaries up to and including $1,100 ;ind $1,200 per year will be increased $210 per year, while the following ar rangements have been made for other wage schedules: 51,200 lo $1,600, inclusive, increased $200. $1 too to ?2,oo(i. incluslvi . Increased $150 $2,100 to $$2.5nO. inclusive, increased $100. The new schedule was put into t f-fect f-fect to ;is?ist the employes to fight the high cost of living and also to previ nt the employes from seeking jobs with higher rates of remuneration |