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Show 0GDEP1 BOYS PASSED 0 BY ARMY BOARD Returns from the medical advisory board received today by the city ' exemption board, show that Clarence W. Nielson and James L. Sampson have been rejected because of physical defects and that John William Ship ; ley has passed and been lound fit for general serv ice. Thomas R McConville. Ogden registrant, regis-trant, has been inducted into the Ulst Engineers at Seattle, Wash , by the board of IMvision No. 10 of that city. ; He has been sent to Camp Hill. New-' New-' port News. Ya. The following Ogden registrants are ' n the emergency fleet service and Mjbj' i t In deterred cla.--es, i ordin to reporLs ereeived today: George L. Malum J. William Randall. Bertram! A. Bingham Earl Lexoy Corp and Leonard Goodfellow. oo J Read the Classified Ads. Read the Classified Ads. |