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Show 1IIT1 LAW IS SOURCE OF MUCH 1 fiEME The municipal court was very busy for more than an hour this morning, most of the cases disposed of being for infractions of tbe liquor law. The fines assessed this morning for violations vio-lations of the prohibition law amounted amount-ed lo $250 Five men were sentenced to pay fines of $50 each or serve thirty days in jail, and one man was fined J100 with the alternative of sixty days in confinement Most of the defendants defend-ants elected to pay the fines. These were not all the liquor cases brfore ihe court, for there were two or three defendants wo entered pleas of not guilty and hd their trials set for later dates, tffll of the latter being the case W Satfl OdellOj an Italian who was charged w 1th selling home-made cider and wine that contained more than a legal percentage of alcohol Onello was before the courl some time ago and the case against him was dis mifsed. because the complaint bad (harei d te selling to the wrong party, a? the testimony showed. Then, in order that Onello would not feel Bllrdted, the city attorney had an iher complaint issued charging the sale to the parly who had purchased .ome cider, according to tbe testimony of a witness. Onello has retained 1 counsel and will be given his day in i court on April 16. Drew $50 Fine. Gus Qninther this morning drew a prize of a $50 fine with the permission "f the court to pay that sum or lan- P uish in a c 11 lor thirty das while the warm spring advances, (iuinther told the court that he was guilty of having liquor unlawfully In his possession pos-session a day or two ago, when he wa arrested b Deputy Sheriff William Brown at the Union station when he came to Ogden from fiJvanaton. Ac cording to the statement of the deputy dep-uty sheriff, Guinther bad some liquor concealed inside his person as well as inside his clothing. Quinine and Whiskey Guinlher explained to the court that he wa- working in Evanston, handling ice, and caueht cold at the job. At first the court understood him to say it was a cold job. but The court was put right on the point. The defendant said Laat he knew enough about medicine Ul get some quinine for his cold when he was coming to Osden. A bartender, lo whom he confided that he had the Quinine, advised adding a little whiskey whis-key when Laking the medicine. The bartender tenderly suggested that Guinther take a lit tile whiskey along so as not to run short of medicine, he said. The officers did not report finding find-ing any quinine on the defendant, though they alleged they found whiskey. vhen asked as to his nationality. I Guinther said he was a mixture. He first shamefully admitted being parti German, then added some Irish and a ! little Scotch. County Attorney Farr ; asked Guinther if be didn't have a Uttle too much Scotch when he was ( arrested. Pleads Not Guilty. Fred D. Colter, a colored man who was arretted by Deputy Sheriff Will lain Brown, on March 27, and charged with having liquor unlawfully in lii-posscssion, lii-posscssion, entered a plea of not guilty this morning when, he faced the court to answer to the charge. His case was set for trial on April 12. His bail was fixed at $50, Mike Sullivan, who told Judge George S. Barker in the municipal court this morning that he has made Ogden his homo, off and on. for a number of years and whose hearing did not seem to be very good, admitted being guilty to having liquor unlawfully unlawful-ly in his possession when he was taught by the officers With a pint and 'wo half pints of whiskey on -his person per-son as he alighted from a train that had crossed the Wyoming border coming com-ing to Ogden. Judge Barker assessed the price of a small Liberty bond against Sullivan, who only grinned and seemed pleased. He also admit ted that he was before the same court about two months ago for the same offense. On that occasion, he was arrested by county officers and tried under the state law. The case against him this morning was under Ihe city ordinance He was told by ludge Barker that he was a very lucky-man lucky-man to be arrested this time under the city ordinanc. , as it would be the duty of the county attorney to file a felony charge apainst him for a second offense of-fense if he had been arrested by coun-I coun-I ty officers. Sullivan didn't seem to hear all the court said, but he grinned in approval of all that was said to him, even when advised not to let it happen hap-pen again. oo |