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Show 0. S. L MEN ENJOY A MOVING PICTURE Paul I,. Beemer. city ticket agenl of the Union Pacific system, went to Salt Iake last night and attended the performance of "Excuse me," at the Wilkes theatre. It was Oregon Short Line night at the theatre and in honor I of the occasion, some of the railroad I boys, assisted by the stae employees, decorated the playhouse with Union Pacific system shields, drum head in-' in-' dicators and other Union Pacific insignia, in-signia, including a block signal stand-: stand-: ard. Between the acts of the farce torn-! torn-! edy, a local interest entertainment was given. This included the passing of Jokes on prominent O. S. L. officials and the showing of the motion picture story, "Tho bridal tour of Vellow-I Vellow-I stone." The pictures were filled last slimmer with 1 M. Newton of Ogdon, traveling passonpor agent of the Ore-I Ore-I gon Short Line, as gui;.- and in one I scene, "Newt" is seen doing the "gal-lant" "gal-lant" act helping a young lady across i a mountain creek. The appearance of the well-known agent. Mr Boomer said, was greeted with loud applause Several members 1 of tho Wilkes Stock company were in the pictures |