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Show OGDEN RECEIVES MUCH ATTENTION. That Ogden is on the map as a packing house center of more than local Importance Is made evident by numerous articles appearing in places as far apart as Kansas City and San Francisco, treating on the new (industry being built up in this city. On last Saturday the San Francisco Examiner published a story, which is somewhat of an enigma, as follows: fol-lows: "Dressed meat from Utah, to be sold in California and San Francisco In competition with the meat slaughtered slaugh-tered here. Is the next thing to appear in the San Francisco market It trill be here in about thr.-e months The San Francisco business is at present in the hands of the Western M- il Company, which is a Swift concern, Miller & Lux, and some packers who operate on a smaller scale. The new. comers are to be the Cudahy Interests, Inter-ests, to a certainty, and. according to the best information obtainable, the Armours "The Cudahyg already own a largo packing plant In Los Angeles They are now flnishlnc a nacklng house In j Salt Lake, which will cost about $.'.110,. 000, and which wdll supply several 1 times as much meat as Utah needs. "The f'udahys had no sooner fairly launched their Salt Lake enterprise 1 than the Ogden Packing and Provision Provi-sion company suddenly developed a tremendous activity. About $750,000 has been invested there, as nearly j as can be learned, and It is generally 1 understood that the real owners are! the Armour interests. "With the completion of these packing pack-ing houses there will be a great reaching reach-ing for business, both east and west, north and south. The Utah packing concerns are expected to go far to the east and southeast, to reach as far as Spokane and Butte to the north, and to dip as far west for markets as San Francisco and Portland. That' San Francisco, Spokane and Portland are already supplied with packing! houses, will be of no consequence C, L. Washburn of the Western Meat 1 company yesterday said that this Isl a close market for meat selling, and that his company Is watching for de velopmcnts. E. G. Dodolph of Miller & Lux was less concerned, saying that Miller & Lux's chief business Is rais ing cattle. Neither would discuss the effect of the coming of competition from Cudahy and Axmour." There are a number of errors In the foregoing, one of which Is the extremely exaggerated statement of the amount of money Invested In. and the Importance of. the Cudahy plant, eight miles north of Salt Lake. An old building was given to the Chicago packers and a bonus of $25,000, to f which hns been sddsd a fw thousand thous-and dollars for reconstruction and repairs. re-pairs. The plant, unless greatly improved, im-proved, can never successfully compete com-pete v.ith ogden's packing Industry The Examiner convey,, the Men that the entrance of the Cudahya caused the OgdeD Packing A Provision company to plan on a more extensive scnle. J The truth Is the enlarging of the Og den plant was well under way when the deal was made in Salt Lake. The coming Of the Cudahyi is accepted ac-cepted by those well Informed on the situation as an attempt to cripple and break down an Independent packing industry and turn this territory back to the moat monopolists. The inspired newspaper comments which are appearing will not serve to intimidate the local packers, who have an institution representing an investment invest-ment considerably above a million dollars dol-lars and have the earnost cooperation of men of wealth who are not stock-holders, stock-holders, but keenly resent the press, ure being brought to bear to kill off a very Important Ogden enterprise. oo- |