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Show I Woman's Page I No. 21 Candy Cirls, supposing you entered the room of a boarding-school girl and found a feathering of our fair sex there. Supposing they were all huddled around a table upon which something was bubbling in a hot dialing (Jih. What would you say they were preparing? I will give you three guesses, although I am sure only one is necessary. Why of course, it is Fudge. The life of a boarding-school girl minus the "Fudge Parties" would be similar to a nut sundae minus the nuts incomplete, quite incomplete, indeed. On arriving at the studios the other morning I came upon a scene that had I been a college pirl, would have brought me back to days gone by. As 1 received my entire education from my learned mother, I can only go by what my girl friends have experienced in this regard. However, there they were. Fifteen girls crowded around a little table in a "set" which bespoke be-spoke of the college room, with its pennants, tennis rackets, etc In the center of the group was Lenore Ulrich rehearsing a scene for her new photoplay, "The Conflict," Con-flict," in which she plays the part of the Indian girl who is educated at the white man's college After the scene was filmed I investigated tcore thoroughly and tasted the most wonderful fudge I have ever - enjoyed. Here Ls l.cnore's recipe-for recipe-for the candy which represents the college girl's famous indoor sport. Fudge a la Ulrich Boil together for five minutet (or until a soft ball is formed) three cups granulated sugar, a piece of butter the size of an egg, three-quarters cup of milk and two squares of chocolate. Remove from the fire and beat in one tea-spoonful tea-spoonful of vanilla extract and one cup of nut meats. The secret of good fudge is not to boil it too long, but to beat it a good dcaL Chocolate Caramels Another popular candy is the chocolate choc-olate caramel. Even men folks who never indulge will often enjoy en-joy a few caramels if they are the right kind of course. Just try this recipe and see if your gentleman gentle-man friend wU refuse a second helping. Boil until thick and stir constantly, con-stantly, one cupful of grated chocolate, choc-olate, two cupfuls of brown sugar, one cupful of West India molasses, molas-ses, one cupful of milk (cream preferred), pre-ferred), butter the 6izc of an egg. "When almost brittle remove from fire. Place on buttered plates and when it begins to stiffen, mark it into small squares so that it will break easily when cold. Flavor the above with a few drops of, lemon or vanilla if desired. |