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Show Deaths and Funerals burns Funoroi services for .lohn Burns will be held in the Catholic church tomorrow afternoon at 2 p. m. Interment City cemetery. tracy Mrs. Elizabeth Tracy, wife of the late Eli Tr.io . who died at the family home in Huntsville January l, died at 8 o'clock this morning at the homo, of general debility. Mrs Tracy had been bed-ridden for the past ten years. She was born In New York City. March 12. 1S27. the daughter of Richard and Louis Rose Sorague and was baptized into the Mormon church at Nauvoo in 1850 She was married to Mr. Tracy at Salt Lake Ci'y In 1853, later coming to Ogden and later to Huntsville. She was active president presi-dent of the Huntsville Relief BOCiet for 32 years. Two children. Eli T. Tracy of Montana and David 1. Tracy of Huntsville, survive; also the follow- brothers andatatera: Alvin H. Spratrue of HuutsWlle. Thomas H Spraguo of VW- Horn. Wyo., Eli H Sprague oMfantavUU and Mrs. jean- y'oyft Salt Lake City. Twelve H grandchildren also survive. Funeral lenriffea will be held in the Humsviile log house Monday 1 p m ggggfl ' ii.,,n t v. 11 . . . : mains will in state the home H Sunday and Monday until funeral hour. bH Interment, Huntsville cemetery. Flow- H era may be l.-fi at the Lindquist chap- el Sunday afternoon and will be con- veyed to the chapel in Huntsville. H iggH heath Funeral services for A. j. H Heath wi'l be held Sunday afternoon fH 2:30 o'clock in the Kirkendall chap- H el. Remains will !( in state at the H hapel Sunday rrom 12 noon to runeral H hour The Lady Maccabees will per- H form their ritual the and Reverend ieo F. Loire will speak. In- H ferment, Mountain View cemetery. gfffiiiiS ' afl BLUE Funeral for Flor- ence Blue will be held Sunday at bH p. m. the African Baptist church. H 2809 Pingree avenue. Reverend Morris officiating. The body will lie in state H the Lindquist chapel Saturday after-noon after-noon and Sunday until funeral hour. H Interment. |