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Show I I The Black Flag' I Hi I Produced with all its scenic effects, etc., I HE I and a capable company of local stage at- 1 HI I taches and well known ladies of Ogden 1 Hi I and M. P. M. operators. I I A,Orpem B I Theatre H I Tomorrow Night (Tuesday), January 25 I J ' Prices 25c to $1.00. i B unrnmuiniminnniBiiDiMmiiiimiBHimniBo mmmMna B g You Want the Best? fl Try Making Mentho-Laxene. j H mmmmmmiimmiiiumimmmiM9mmi R A splendid quick acting cough syrup f and cold cure. It has no equal for prompt 1 action and pormancnt affects on children H or adults. Immediate results Is the pleaa- H lnp feature. Cheapness la another. Pcr- H manont aystem cleaning' another. "N6t H constipating still another Those who H have used it, swear by It, and recommend H to neighbors and. friends. H Obtain a 2'-ounce package of Essence H Mentho-Laxene, empty It into a pint bot- H tie. Then pour a half pint of boiling- water n over a pint of Kranulated. augur. Stir and M cool. Then fill up the pint bottle with H Byrup. Full directions for use accompany H each package of the osBence. It contains H no habit drugs or poisons. Advertlse- Willard Weihe will be on the program with "Melba" Sunday. Seat sale now on. rr Despite the rain, Marguerite Clark ciowded the great Alhambra last evening eve-ning in "Mice and Men." Added to the program are the Paramount travels trav-els and one of the greatest comedies released in many months. This picture pic-ture promises to break all attendance records at the big theatre. Tonight and Tuesday. Don't miss it. Open continuously from 2 to 11 p. m. Advertisement. Read the Classified Ads. oo Read the Classified Ada. Don't miss dainty Marguerite Margue-rite Clark in "Mice and Men" at the Alhambra, continuing tomorrow 1 JIf' At Wrights J I J A Surprising Shoe Sale ')-. i $:lgins today 1 I la BJJNREDS OF ODDS AND ENDS iwV'V Vii I day a most surprising sae f 5 Sffl f W1. Shoes begirds Former sales and i ; h- ses former cleanup events have left ! SV -- $" hundreds ot pairs oi good shoes, i ' gs fcrj g0C styles and full quality r. ; :J . materialsone pair of this style Ju 9 a two pairs of another, and so on, making a great ji igaf assortment of shoes for women and children which are ? now to be closed out at one very low price In the offering you will find Ladies patent leather ? ! suedes and velvets, cloth and kid tops, some of them f worth to $600 5 1 Also shoes for growing girls in a gSfsr 5 I Boys' shoes odds and ends from half a dozen dif- IJPJ IjgB&B $&JijjfflMai WT J Zw ed out at one low price of j1.49 mM Marguerite Clarke drawJ? fenormous crowds. i oo ! Read the Classified Ads. t Read the Classified Ads. C: I t "This is really tSie best II Shoe Sale I have everl seen 5 This is what a customer tele- Mk phoned home this morning. Of course we expecte""d other j8hj, stores to follow us and "pull M-l off" shoe sales today. jfc We repeat--honesfcly, these 9j values are exceptional. mfa Imagine $3.00 to $5.50 worn- jj?j en's shoes selling at flH; $1.98 1 The McCune-FouIger M Company 1 -"jl Vi 1 |