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Show oo SNAP SHOTS This Is the season of the year when the resolution to "go on tho water wagon Ib made oftoner than any other time. A number of people standing In the Vltagraph studio yard on the first working day of the new year, thought thoy wero witnessing a change In the resolution when thoy saw Director William Humphrey apparently drive his new four-cylinder car into the water tank that is located In the center cen-ter of the yard. Upon investigation, however, It was found that BUI had no such intentiop, and explained that his car had run into a log dropped by a careless property man, which caused him to loose control of his car. Earle Williams, tho popular Vita-graph Vita-graph player, is now quite a golf expert. ex-pert. Wnen ho does not have to report re-port at the studios, he oan be found at the Wykagyl Country club golf links at New Rochelle, N. Y., chasing the little white bail. We have always h eard California was a place where good fruit could be obtained, but a letter from Mary Anderson, An-derson, of the Western Vitagraph company, com-pany, makes us think differently. She requested her mother to send her some "real good" oranges as all the good ones grown on the coast were exported export-ed east for higher prices. A case of "water, water, everywhere, but not a drop to drink." It has been reported that Edkh Storey Intends opening up a private detective agency In New York city. This may be duo to the fact that Edith has been sleuthing for Vltagraph DL rector George D. Baker for the past throe weeks. Rose Tapley, a popular Vltagraph player, Invited a party of friends to her homo in Orange, N. J., for New Year's day dinner. A dinner to the queen's taste had been arranged for and overythlng went along famously until the serving of the plum pudding This was to be feature of the meal as Miss Tapley made the pudding herself. When it was placed on the table, the 'brandy which was to have been used in the burning of the pudding was not with It Miss Tapley called in her colored cook and asked her where it was. She niBhed out excitedly and returned & little later with a queer smelling liquid which she handed to her suspicious hostess. When questioned she confessed con-fessed she drank the brandy and had substituted a mixture of gasoline, water and peppermint in Its place. None of the guests present carried an accident Insurance policy, so Miss Tapley did not try the Ingredients. |