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Show WANTS MATCH Greek Wrestler Will Meet Either Yokel or Harbertson Says Jack Is Merely Champ of Ogden. Salt Lake, Jan 24. Anothor Greek wrestler has thrust his powerful pair OL snomaers mio tne norizon Lor utan wrestlers to gaze upon. He Is Gus Pappas, the Athenian whirlwind, who suys he can make the middleweight limit and throw most any man living. Gus not only says that, but he also brings with him from the Pacific coast a long list of articles in western west-ern papers bearing evidence of his prowess and unbeatable scionce. This Greek makes another addition to the Hkoly looking crop of Hellenic wrestling talent now in this state, and unless something is done to stop the movement here of powerful Europeans Euro-peans from Sparta and adjoining precincts, pre-cincts, Utah will have to s'crt a 'preparedness 'pre-paredness plan whereby these men be taken care of properly. In addition to Pappas, Mike Yokel and Jack Harbertson Har-bertson have Cotsonarus in Ogden tonight, to-night, Colonus coming up and a host of other Grecian athletes to confront before making claims to the championship. cham-pionship. Pappas said he would meet either of the prides of Utah at any proposition propo-sition from catch weights to limited weight. He added he was willing to wager, bet or gamble on his chances at victory, and In lieu of the 'fact that he wanted some money pretty badly he would like to make a proposition of 100 per cent to the winner in any match he might have. When asked what he thought of tho present field here Pappas said- "I should not, of course, want to meet Cotsonarus. George Is a Greek and so am I. and I fear two Greeks would not draw so well as one Greek against a Utah man. "As for Harbertson, I think he is a tough man, but I think ho is only the champion of Ogden and not of the world. "As for Yokel, I should like very much to meet him as he has a national na-tional reputation. 1 do not know what chance there is of getting a contest con-test with him though as Harbortson seems to be the only Utah man who is willing to meet all comers. The Ogden man doesn't worry at all, but I find it rather hard to get Yokel on the mat. "As for Colonus, who is also a Greek, and like Cotsonarus and myself my-self on the trail of Harbertson and Yokel, I do not care to meet him as Greek against Greek doesn't draw. "However, I certainly would like a match with any of the local men, and I feel confident I could win. In fact, I would be glad of the chance to wager everything on it "Oh, yes, there is Joe Turner. He's another good man, and I should like to show him some of the tricks I know, but I fear there is no chance. Turner is too much after Jack Harbertson Har-bertson to want to meet anybody else. "Tonight's contest9" he pondered. "Well, I'll tell you. I think the victor will be Harbertson. It'll be a tough match though." |