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Show WEBER CLUB ELECTION AROUSING MUCH INTEREST Chapin A Day, one of the nominees for the presidency of the Weber club, in a personal letter to the club members, mem-bers, has declined the nomination. A F. M. Dnggs has also declined to be a candidate for the same position, this leaves the race between D. C. Eecles. W J. Parker and W. H. Wat-tls, Wat-tls, the other three members named by the nominating committee Nominees for the other offices are as follows: Vice president F. W Gentsch. J. S. Lewis. R. B. Porter, J. N. Spargo. H. C. Wood. Treasurer A. P. Bigolow. Samuel G. Dye. R. A. Moyes, James H. Riley, W. Arthur Wright. Directors S F. Ballif, jr. J. L. Carlson, W II Harris, W. A. Larkins, A. R. Mclntyre, Dr. C. F. Osgood, P. M. Parry, Carl C. Rasmussen. Joseph Jo-seph Streng. Wlllard Scowcroft, Fred G Taylor and Charles Zeimer Members are asked to vote for any four of the directors. The election will be held Monday. January 11. under the new election by laws, which call for the use of ballots. The polls will be open from 11 a. m to 7 p m and the results of thn election will be announced at the annual mooting of the club the same night. The nearness of the election date is bringing out considerable consider-able interest in it, though no new nominations have been made since the nominating committee completed Its work. |