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Show BATTLE RAGING AT SALTILLO Villa Forces and Carranza Adherents Ad-herents in Fierce Fight Outside the City. Laredo. Texas, Jan. 8. The battle of Saltillo. expected for several days began today at " a. m., according to an official Carranza announcement made today at Nuevo Laredo. The fighting is outside the city, the Carranza Car-ranza forces having evacuated Saltillo two daw ago. retiring toward Hipo-lito. Hipo-lito. The official message said that, after several hours the fighting was still going on. Villa troops in and around Lhe city-were city-were attacked bv about 15,000 con stltntlonallst troops. Early reports from the battle said that hundreds al ready had been killed or wounded. The Carranza forces were attacking from mountains about the city and wero pouring In a fire from mountain moun-tain cannon. The Villa troops occupied Saltillo two das ao bv a trick without a fight. ine 1 arranza 1 ruu iuuhj under General Antonio I Villaroal. hda evacuated the city to proceed agninst Villa forces which they met and defeated at l,aBrisa and Marte Meanwhile another Villa force had marched through the mountains southeast of Saltillo. and captured the city. The Carranza army returned in iorco early todaj Reports at noon from Carranza sources sour-ces claimed that the advantage lay with the besiegers, but with the battle bat-tle still raging. , nA |