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Show oo WHAT WILL THE PEOPLE EAT? Wheat went to $1.41 a bushel in Chicago this morning and Great Britain Brit-ain was reported offering $1.42 at the seaboard, while Italy was paying 2 07 a bushel delivered. A local produce dealer says people will begin to eat corn bread in the United States, if the price of wheat carries flour to higher figures. But evfen corn is keeping pace with the ascending wheat market. Why not eat corn bread" it is wholesome and, when properly made, a most pleasing change from wheat bread. Over In Germany, the housewives house-wives are making a wheat and pota'o bread, which is relished, and in England Eng-land barley is being mixed with th I what. Four dollais a hundred weight for Hour la an almost unprecedented price. With meat almost beyond the purchasing power of the ordinary family and flour 2 B sack, the cost of living is not only high but almo-t prohibitive. |