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Show f the " fl Simple Cheese Dish. The young housekeeper .-3 well as old, will welcome thiB simple dish. Ingredients In-gredients needed are: Ono egg. ono cup sweet milk, bread and butter (four or Ave slices), cheese, salt, and pepper. pep-per. Beat the egg, add the milk, and into this batter dip a slico of buttered bread. Placo this in a buttered baking bak-ing dish and grate cheeso over it. add salt and pepper. Then place another slice of bread, and so on until the dish is fillod. Pour on the remaining batter bat-ter and bake about fifteen minutes, until un-til well browned. ThiB rulo is sufficient suf-ficient for three people. Hazel 2Tut Cream Cake. Beat ono cupful of sugar and four eggs until light, add one cupful of flour sifted with ono teaspoonful baking bak-ing powder, and ono teaspoonful of ground cinnamon, one-half teaspoonful teaspoon-ful of ground allspico and cIovcb; bake in two layers. Cream Three-fourths Three-fourths of a pint of milk, ono table-spoonful table-spoonful of cornstarch, two eggs, half a teaspoonful of sugar. Pool and chop ono cupful of hazelnuts fine; and a teaspoonful tea-spoonful of vanilla. Boil all together until thick and when cool Bpread bo-tweon bo-tweon layers. Ubo whipped cream or a boiled frosting for top of cake. Spanish Bang. Two cups brown sugar, half cup molasses, mo-lasses, three-quarters cup butter, three-quarters cup sweet milk, tbree Thia occupation will amuso the small |