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Show MOTHER OF MARTYRED ENGLISH NURSE r If & t&'-? f &'&&' -.' .HIIIH n S K- :v .'' -, 4..Z' -iRkWs3BjPH Bl S ''' ---'- :-' ' (mmmmmW2SSmk$&i HnHv''-:'. -' .kmmmidmmVsfmx I Hv tv x MmmmmmmmWx?lSfK3B3uMwU ' HBBjS9PnHBK s :BBtMmmmZ&?flKE&iil Mrs. Cavell. A "grand old lady" is Mrs. Cavell, the mother of Edith Cavell, the British nurse "wh6se last words before her execution were, "I am happy to die for my country." To perpetuate the memory of her daughter there i now a plan on foot in England to organize the Cavell memorial fund. |