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Show oc- WHO WILL BE THE NOMINEE? Collier's Weekly offers the reminder remind-er that less than eight months from now the candidates for tho next presidency presi-dency of the United States will have been nominated, and then analyzes the outlook for presidential timber, as follqws: "Less than four months from now the primaries which will determine the candidate will have begun and some of the delegates will have been elected. At the present moment it is possible to say that tho moBt aggressive ag-gressive candidacy for the Republican Republi-can nomination Is that of Senator John W. Weeks of Massachusetts. Ex-Senator Ex-Senator Root is not really available. Justice Hughes is. as always, the Republicans' Re-publicans' one hest chance, but his disinclination to permit the use of bis name has not been diminished. In the judgment of the .closest and most careful observers ho is likely to remain re-main firm in refusing to permit the use of his name in- the race. Senator Burton of Ohio is the third conservative conserva-tive who shows strength and commands com-mands a good deal of public confidence. confi-dence. Among the more progressive possibilities of the Republican party, Cummins and Borah are the only persons per-sons who have enough following to be considered. With the lavout as it stands here. Is the Republican party likely to make much of a showing in the next national election?" |