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Show PLOT OF TEUTONS IS EXPOSED Washington, Nov. 12. President Wilson today look personal charge of the investigation into the charges made by Dr. Joseph Goricar, former Austrian consul, regarding the activities activi-ties in this country of agents of Aus tria and Germany. It was indicated in official circles that tho president has come to the conclusion that a supreme effort must be made to stamp out any propaganda Inspired by foreign agents which is Intended In-tended to interfere with American industries. in-dustries. The actual developments of the day were as follows: The state department called the attention at-tention of the department of justice to the publication of Dr. Goricar's statement. rfitor?Tey GeneraI Gregory at tho White House after the cabinet meeting meet-ing conferred with President Wilson. Telegram Sent. On his return to tho department of justice it was admitted that a telegram tele-gram had been sent to John R. Rathon editor of the Providence, R. I. Journal Si1,011 Pu nted Dr- Goricar's statement asking him to submit all the facts In his possession. enagcnt.of the department was sent to confer with Dr. Goricar The Austrian embassy Issued a statement denying Dr. Goricar's charges and accusing him in turn of aentsraCy Wilh Russian and Serbian The administration is deeply concerned con-cerned by the frequency of fires re-on re-on if ln nufacturing plants and on steamships, the efforts to cause abor troubles In munition plants and qf;t?orJCa,r,5 warnInE lhat the United States will soon bo called upon to face a "grave situation." Agents Investigating. -5r?nMePartment 0f 3uBt,ce now "as 7hn f I? d VJents enSaged investigating bo n loged activities of foreign agents In this country. Of this numbef 150 tnM8,me t,me havo bcen devoting all their time to the work. The remind m or, engaged in routine work, have pu in part of their time in the Investl- H gation. l Officials do not deny that an ex- I trmelely serious international situatloi I may develop. Tho principal forelgt : I agents mentioned from time to time j ? In connection with the propaganda I 1 aro tho following: : Captain Boy-ed, naval attache of th i: k German embassy. ' ; a Captain Franz von Papen, militar; ', I attache of the German embassy. i 1 Alexander von Nubcr, Austrian cot- j 1 sul general at New York. i Figured in Dumba Case. (t Captain von Papen and Consul Gen- i eral von Nuber were both mentioned f conspicuously in the Dumba case. A i i that time it was hinted in official cir- f cles that this government might ask f 1 for the recall of the military attache j; 1 and cancel the exequatur of the Au3- p I trlan consul general. J I oo v I |