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Show I ITIEWLEmli H 1 ' il SiHKBHERBiBnsaSHaiiraaeHSIlHIiB) If I ROYAL CLEANING & PRESSING CO. I I! We Moved to 43 1 24f h Street. 1 III 1 Plant, Rear 2566 Washington Ave. 1 111, I WE CLEAN EVERYTHING, AND ALL I lllil I KINDS OF LADIES FANCY CLOTH AND 1 l;jt I WORK IS STRICTLY GUARANTEED TO 1 Hill I Y0UR SATISFACTION, AND PRICE IS 1 fill I REASONABLE. 1 111 'I I Ladies Suits, dry cleaned $1.25 to $1.50 I 111 I Gents' Suits, dry cleaned -$1.00 to $1.25 1 Hill I I Sponged and Pressed 5QC I III Telephone 987 Office 431 24th St I Hi 1 Sk0!" 15,eT.wi1, make our 0UR MINIMUM PRICES H m I ufTH 2S nn DUble Suctia Sets of Teeth as low as S4.00 Hjff m .Plate for 8.00; does not cover crowns, 0W as 54.00 HllHi ro moutIl; lighest plate Br,dae Work, low as $4.00 1 known; guaranteed to bite corn inli-.'fnS:. $20i,up- l C nff thr mh Oliver Fillings $1.00 Jtf ! l iaQ C00' Teeth extracted without pain $1.00 EASTEN PAINLESS DENTISTS Hours-S.-SO A. M. to 6 P. M. Sundays-9 to 12. Saturdays Hl 0 , until B P.M. J , if , 2469 Washington Ave. 2nd Floor Over Paine & Hurst. HI j - D0NT WAIT TO ARGUE 1 fiSk- Tl thc wo11 known hl8h chLSS ot our lli & k'o C Sfil talkinB' macWnes osarlIy means HI! VLJk VAfcfeSr h,Bhprices- Yo can casUy convlnco I I fflfeS yUrSOlf ftat JUBt the conty is the H I J J1 oureprblLTT,n: h0r and comparInS H J. I SfcaP - immL makC 0U Ur cust0msr. W III ZWWzSm PROUDFTT SPORTING II;: .Xr JJEmW GOODS CO. HI'! -" 5-r- . 351-353 24th Street Hi i . 1 4 Better Service to Our Depositors 5g 1 zL r I TIlis bank tas always tried to sivc yu sod service f f J -S- UtahNationalBank. fi jfc jjas safeguarded your funds. It has collected the cash fe lJ I '!.. " '"" ,M ,.. ' I represented by the checks you have deposited. It has dc- g ,lj j - 1 ji "" j livered the cash ordered paid by the checks you have issued (g m jg& Is i ;?tr11 ?- i iiiiil even furnished you the check blanks. It has returned your .1 5? S ! ' !!li;- !!I;: :5Si!: t liliSl cancelled checks as receipts. It has kept a record of your S S ii 'Mil III!:"!!!: I!l C"! transactions, accurate to a cent, proved eveiy day. jg i 3f -i'1! "!: 'il- "S: s,:i '"5 Now we give you an extra-tangible service. S ? fll IW'' '1- "":- "' "" ! Instead of leaving your pass-book (your only receipt for p 2 !: !!!- xfII-,-"II- 5i:' '!!!! deposits) to be balanced, and calling for it later, you find III' ''4j! "HH'SSS: lis! i your statement of account with cancelled checks ready for p2 ih, ijlfj gi'3oI Ijj' 'jlfS you at the first of the month. Or you can have them any gj jl sir.' ,!ii!- ,,!!!.!!!!-V lum day the month that yu wish at a moment,s notice. i 0 j s;:,' J21i5:"3S5:J?22. s;;4j JS55S The statement is printed, neat, accurate made by machine. " ' ..J. Utah National Bank J 0, I uif ut ( tniT 11 uccrr mm m mum rin n --irr1VT T inn ITT Lr i B1 g 1 1 j.i .i.'.i. 1 , I OGDEN, UTAhU v This neatly printed Burroughs-mado statement p Came in and see how we keep our customers' accounts by ma- ' Iffll0.. em YayTfsboTdD5 you.the condition h ' 0 wc0(fe may suggest how you can render similar service to S of your account. It savcj you the inconvenience c-w. y '"ww hhi ,. 3 of turning in your pass-book each month. your customers. Giving service pays. m V uu Charlie Chaplin in "His'New Profession" and "Trey O' Hearts." Four reels of comedy. Open 2 p. m. Rex Theater. 00 GOOD PICTURE At Orpheum Tomorrow. "Who Killed the Widow Lerogue?" Come and see -this great picture at the Orpheum theatre tomorrow night. The latest and one of the best William Wil-liam Fox pictures released. The title of the picture Is "The Family Stain" and is a dramatization of tho famous 1 detective story, "The Widow Le- l rouge." Tfce story is a thrilling one and has many great scenes full of action and thrills. Frederick Parry With Jin PVOpllont rnaf frw onnnnrf him w.-w..v -J" " vv, OUIUll "uu make the picture another Fox success. It will be shown at the Orpheum three nights, beginning tomorrow. Advertisement. Winter evenings are surely pleasani and comfortable witti ' 1 A Genuine Round Oak Scju a re Base dealer inihe Home j ' m i t p ML MHRH ' i SjLNifrTrio Round Oak Foffi Make Good Goods only $ FOR SALE BY l GEO. A. LOWE COMPANY n i SaIesoiLJ:CTRIC SEce co. f Ogden, 425 24th St. ' 1 ' Salt Lake, 136 E. 2nd. So. - f ,, ' |