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Show lil'H rfl i At Orpheum k Tho coming week, Sunday, U Monday and Tuesday William Vox fy presents Frederick Perry and -a. dls J3 unguished cast of players in "The Family Stain," founded on the famous A Detective story "Tho "Widow Le-J 1 rouge." ."J Wednesday night world's champion- , ship wrestling match between Cham- : pion Jack Harbertson oC Ogden and ' Police Gazette Champion Joe Turner 1 1 of Washington, D. C. fetf Thursday night. "When Dreams Mj Come True." This is" the first and Ujf only musical 'comedy of the season WUHftl vltl1 a ca'3t of 50 PMI,,e-' WM Kridav anxl Saturday, Pantages 181 M vaudeville, headlined by "Little Miss nuilu T ' A"" a taDOloi( musical comedy ulwlnl of twelve people. Mm Sunday night, November 21, "Potash II At The Isis mum; Tonight Beatrix Mechclcna in "Sal- f flail nation Nell" A thrilling ifivc act iMMl drama of tho social uplift in the slums rSflftli Js'0w or- Ml WB Snakoville'a Hen. Medic. A real live II mi comedy. HI'' m Sunday, Monday and Tuesday Le- llf ' norc Ulrich. in "Tho Better Woman." ; EY 1J8 f've"l)art Western Drama of love, 111' m "ate, jealousy and heroism, remorse, H "2 repentance and final successful stmg- W iM glo for supremacy. ifj M "A Safe Investment" Comedy only, i EL IJ Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and mL jM Saturday Fiedrick Levis and Ethel H !J Grey Terry in "Bought." A five-part HE Jj drama of modern society, showing Jgtf what wealth can do in procuring a WllM husband when a high society lady's HwS reputation is at stake. f(l "Tne Fable or the Statesman Who Bfia Didn't Make Good." A laughable lil H comedy. II ' mm m iuc ugucis iHia SUNDAY AND MONDAY: fflUjI IRENE FENWICK. the dainty star !j and an able company in the George m Kleine mammoth pioduction of "THE M SPENDTHRIFT." Tho gorgeous' iff sov.ns were furnished by Lucille ijS (Lady Duff-Gordon) and arc the last fJffl word In expensive creations. Sx ff acts. Ui TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY Ifji and THURSDAY: M MARIE DRESSLER In the Lubiii nf "Liberty Bell" Feature, "TILLLE'S g TOMATO SURPRISE." A Well con-rjl con-rjl nccted story and action galore. This a Is Miss Dressler's first advent in nfj pictures. An hour and half of con-fig con-fig tinuous fun. H Fill DAY and SATURDAY: Ifi FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN and jjg MARGUERITE SNOW In "THE SI- LENT VOICE " The play in which Otis Skinner made such a great success suc-cess on tho spoken stage Gives Mr Bushman every opportunity to display his wonderful acting Lyceum j Today: Cleo Mach'son in "ThoFaith of Her Fathers" uGold Sciil'-featui-e nlthree parts; "Tho Opening of Universal Uni-versal City." and "Pokes and Jabs," Sterling comedy. Sunday and Monday, Mon-day, "Between Savage and Tiger," a George Kleino attraction in six parts. Tuesday and Wednesday. "Neal of the Navy." "The Fortunes of Mariana," Mari-ana," a Sellg drama in two parts, and "A City Rube" comedy. Thursday and Friday, "The Broken Coin." Rex Theater Today: Charlie Chaplin in "His New Profession." "Trey o' Hearts," "You Can't Always Tell." a comedy drama In two parts and "When a Man's Fickle." a Nestor comedy. Sunday Sun-day and Monday. "Queen of Jungle Land,' 101 Bison future in three parts, "The Adyjsor." and Billie Richie Rich-ie in "Father Was Neutral." Tuesday and Wednesday, "A Double Haul," an Apex, feature in four parts, "A Mile a Minute." a Helen Holmes railroad drama, and "The Doughnut Vender." Thursday and Friday. Charles Chaplin Chap-lin 'In "The Champion." a two-reel prizefight comedy and Lottie Pickford in "The Diamond From the Sky." Aihambra-Orphenm- Sunday aud Monda . "Gcraldine Farrar." tho relobrated prima donna Hi the world known opera. "CARMAN" and Max Fisman and Burr Mcintosh Mcin-tosh in "Get Rich Quick Walllng-ford." Walllng-ford." Tuesday and Wednesday: Charlie Chaplitr in a four-reel comedy. "Ex- tvi luiiiyV, .mil iiiMi ui iiiu idt j. Thursday and Friday Full Orpheum Orphe-um Circuit Vaudeville, headliner "Tlo Navassar' Girls' Ordfiestra," IS in the" company. "The Telephone Tangle,"-with Tangle,"-with Madge Caldwell "Long Taclc Sam" and supporting company. At The Oracle Tonight "Tho Yelloxv Star.H 10 L Bison feature .with Marie Walcamp and Frank Newbury Sunday and Mondav "The Kiss of Dishonor," drama. ,Under New sMan-agcmcnt,"vL-Ko comedy. Tuesday and Wednesday "The Broken Coin," episode No. 1G. Thursday and Friday Another Universal Uni-versal Broadway Feature, "My Old Dutch," with Albert Chevalier and Florence Turner. II jjp i1 iii"w y y in,!,' 'n II S I S THEATRE! "The feature house." S TONIGHT m The Famous California Star 9ft BEATR1Z ftCHELENA 1 SALVATION NELL" I A thrilling story of social uplift in the underworld, the I j power of religion, and the result to those who fail to 1' take heed. m "SNAKEVILLE'S HEN MEDIC" -Some comedy. SUNDAY, MONDAY AND TUESDAY ' ' ffl . The, Dramatic and Motion Picture. Star 8' LEONORE.ULRlCSiii'Tiie Better Woman' B A .l -ii- r.Tile ThnUimj Photo-dra'ma ' ' W anA flv.e"act' western drama of love, jealousy, 1 csta-.ST'"' remrSC' rePence and final sue- 'I cess struggle for supremacy. W "A SAFE INVESTMENT, OR HIGH FINANCE," I in comedy. ' sla '111 ill m Atieofen, Woodmen of ik World Funeral services for our late esteemed es-teemed Neighbor, George E. Gaylord, will be held from the residence. Washington Wash-ington avenue and Third streel. at 10 o'clock a. m Monday, November 15. Interment will be made in Salt Lake City. Bring badges and while gloves. Advertisement. UU . : NOTICE, 0. E. S. ' All members of Queen Esther Chapter. Chap-ter. No. 4, arc requested to attend the funeral of our late Sister, Mrs. Frances Fran-ces Eddy Smith, Monday afternoon, at 2 p. m., from the Presbyterian church. By Order of the Worthy Matron. AdvertisemcnL oo 1 ORPMJl THEATER SUNDAY, I With THEDA BARA as "CARMEN." I I . I...llltll ! I Le!MT5l'-T II f -""MIl1f ' -J-f Jfl f'l fl' Jf-Ll' ,-m-m .l.-mT--1 f All! LU -.jr'J-J 111 III I C SAVE from lo to 20 per cent on Smoke Stacks, Guttering, Furnaces and all kinds of roof repairing, by calling up ' New-man fc Co.. 2327 Hudson Avenue Phone 347. Advertisement. oo NORMAL. out; nuru, wauur, i.au l you sec mis coffee is muddy?'' "Yes, sir, it ought to bo. H was ground this morning." AMPLE PROOF. "Is this an all-star company?" asked the manager of the Bunkhurst Opera house. "Sure it is." haid the press agent "They haven't spoke a pleasant woid to each other since thov started tn tour "Birmingham Asc-'lIciaJd. 14111 yinii.... i.ii..-njtt.l.i ,L i.j , t j L -r .ALHAHBRA-ORPHEDM-. : 1 TONIGHT GWL I j l VAUDEVILLE HAZEL DAWN 1 '" I 'The Aurora of Light" 'The Masqueraders" 1 ' ! 5. SUNDAY AND MONDAY il i 10c 10c I I j GeraMiiie Far in 'Carmen j f fcrillBk JlHlilIllffl 111 Hk i WJsSm i ! JUwM-JilJ . i.J.'hn -'-J'""1 if in ' I "QUEEN OF JUNGLE LAND" II r ,, .,:r. , , jj H 101 Bison Animal Picture in 3 parts. f) '''''' ' 'ZAp V 1- BILLIE RITCHIE . w yM'-"-' .i3, ' '''$$ '. S "FATHER WAS NEUTRAL" 1) rS SJSL '""" ' I ' and aiwsvs "SAVAGE AND TIGER" I ' ' I njAC rilADTIM mWfiyj) In six parts. . 1 I t0Hl3k tflArLlW TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, . U k W m gz "NEAL OF THE, IJAVS" hfe 1 - "THE CHAMPION" 5 C tThfRkDAodJR!dAy I 1 L ' -j&nMuMUI&a - T . "Ttt BROKEN CulN" R m FINALE ACT 1-THE YOUTHFUL MUSICAL COMEDV "WHPN -opamc 7Z '' iP ORPHEUM THEATER, THURSDAY, NOISTH TRM f ' |