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Show JAMES SIMPSON HONORED. very delightful party waa given last Friday at the home of Mrs. Agnes B Warner 238 Twenty-ninth street. In honor of her brother-in-law. James B. Simpson The guests were' Messrs and Mesdames W Move;, R H Moves. Matthew Gait. Frank Ca Cregnr Stewart. W. M Wilson. T. Burton. S. Anderson John Nicholas. Mrs. C Collins Mrs. Bernlce Glacier, Mr?. C. Porter, Mrs. J L Warner. Mrs George Lochhead, jr., Alec Fad-dls. Fad-dls. Georpe McFarlaue. John Shearer. Shear-er. Fred Thomas, Roy Warner, Clyde Warner, Miss Delia Warner, Leona Warner Jessie Burton. Arline Nicholas, Nich-olas, Mrs Eva Moves, Robert Binnie. Mr. and Mrs Simpson The guests from Salt Lake City were Messrs. Paul and Lawrence Condie and Misses Lucille and Irene Condie. and Joe Warner. fine luncheon was served later in the evening The affair was thorough thor-ough enjoyed by everyone present. Dancing was a feature of the splendid splen-did entertainment. |