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Show I A SUPPlOF OD FEED Is essential If you want results with your chickens, horees or cows. There I Is r j secret about the place to buy it, it Is at GROT'S. Let us send you your next order. GROUT'S GRAIN STORE 332 24th St. Headquarters for Diaries and Date Pads. j Unsteady Nerves. Often the result of indigestion, dys-pepsfa. dys-pepsfa. constipation, bilious attacks or impure hlood. for all of which Mer-ltol Mer-ltol Tonic Digestive is a standard remedy A good remedy for all ailments ail-ments due to a bad stomach Price $100. Culley Drug Co., Ocden, Utah, Sole Agents. Advertisement. oo GREAT STIRS TO APPEAR ON ISIS PROGRAMS Tiara Kimball Young, who was recently re-cently the most popular actress in the world, will appear in the World's Film production. "The Deep Purple.'' at the Isls theater next Thursday to Saturday. Satur-day. "The Sage Brush Gal." a Broadway Broad-way star production, coms to the Isis tomorrow for two days, Helen Gardner, Gard-ner, after an absence of many months, will he at the Isis Sunday and Monday Mon-day .Innuary Slpt, in a great Broad-wav Broad-wav star production, as "Cleopatra Underneath the Paint " The program hereafter will change three times weekly with a Keystone comedy every change Hearst's war pictures anil Geo. Ade's fables included In the programs pro-grams with a big feature production as a head-liner for each change. The greatest world's film corporation releases re-leases ore shown only at the Isls theater, also all new two-oat Keystone Key-stone comedies. 'Broncho Billy,' will return in one of his largo features. "When Love and Honor Calls ' Wilton Wil-ton Lackaye is coming as "Svengali" In "Trilby." "Mlgnon" appears at the Isis in the near future Watch our programs Y e invite comparison. THE ALHAMBRA CO. (Advertisement.) : : js -Juwoiie-cytarteletttUonidV I Yottll come a$ain"&' I HPPH TT OGDEN AND SALT LAKE I Bl DroadWall I m"t!fllSrm lllillilllllllillllliIHiiiiiiiiiiHiuiiiiiiiin Isj I ri7 CIGARS I -at all ji Read the Classified Ads. iiim-i -----1111 ' " ----wmm 1 1 1 Quality Sale 1 1 I I 1 " H isB' I H uH fl l i I I January 25th, 26th and 27th, between the hours of 3 and II I I 7 p. m., we will sell for cash, delivered at store only: II H 1 1 1 full quart S. I. Monarch Whiskey $1.00 II I I 1 full quart New York White Tokay Wine .75 II H For $1.00 I I I G. H. TRIBE & COT III 2357 Washington Ave. SEE OUR WINDOWS. Ogden, Utah. j fM . |