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Show SUGAR FACTORY AT LAYTON .Jesse Knight, tho Proo millionaire. L built a sugar factory at Raymond. Canada, which lias not proved a success suc-cess owing to tho failure of the farmers farm-ers of that region to raise suga. be?t In Alberta province, tho agriculturists agri-culturists aro ranchers. They grow "heat on a large scalp or raise cattle. . r.j h-t culture does not appeal to them. They are somewhat like the tillers of the soil around La Grande. Oregon, where tho Amalgamated Su-car Su-car company had a plant which had to bi removed tn Bnrley Idaho, he cause intensive cultivation hnd no charms for the Oregon farmer The Raymond plant is to be moved to Layton, 12 miles southwest of Og-rien, Og-rien, if present plans of the owners do not undergo a revision. The establishing es-tablishing of another large sngar fac-tory fac-tory in this district would add to the local field of employment and make Ogden the center of the most extensive exten-sive sugar industrv in the state. 1 r.st year 113.000 tons of beets were grown in this district. The Knight factory should add 37 000 tons, or a total of approximately 150,000 ton. At $5 a ton. the distribution of sugar money to the farmers who market In this city would reach three-quarters three-quarters of a million. I I oo |