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Show THANKSGIVING OAY PROGRAM AT THE ACADEMY A special Thanksgiving program was given at the Weber acedemy this morning and was enjoyed by a number of visitors, in addition to the s.udent body and faculty. The invocation invo-cation wns offered by C. I Jensen and Bishop W. O Ridges made some timely comments on Thanksgiving day and its observance. Au especially appreciated feature was the reading of some of Dr. Johnson's John-son's poems of child and farm life, iod two soles sunc by Miss Josephine Shorten called forth much applause 1 The solos were "One Sweetly Solemn Thought" and Darling, Good Night ' piano solo and encore were played ay John Snedaker During the course of the program in announcement wa made of the! oming appearance f the Apollo! juintette. as ihe third number of the I ecture course, at the Tabernacle on December 2. With the close of the day's ses-non, ses-non, the academy classes were ad-ournd ad-ournd until November 30th, the ex-ra ex-ra holidays being given to permit: he members of the faculty to attend he eonventlon of the Utah Educa-ional Educa-ional association at Salt Lake City. |