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Show WAR BULLETINS Paris. Nov 20. 4 27, a. m Major -Vlolph Messimy. at one time minister of war in the French cabinet, and who recently was decorated with tbn Legion of Honor for ;:n act of bravery, on the battlefield, has been promoted to the rank of lieutenant colonel The Former war minister went to the front at the outbreak of the war as a member mem-ber of the general staff. Pari?. Nov L'0, 4 a. m dispatch from Rome to the Fournler agency states that Prince Von Buelow has been appointed German ambassador to Italy. Recent dispatches from Rome have Indicated that Hcrr Von Flotow. the German ambassador there, was about to retire. Prince Von Buelow, who usually resides in Rome, and who through his Italian marriage ha3 great influence in Italian Itali-an society, was mentioned as likely to take the post In view of its Importance Im-portance at this crisis. i London, Nov. 120, 9:48 a. m. An Amsterdam dispatch to Reuter's Telegram Tele-gram company says that during the bombardment of the Turkish port of Trebizond. on the Black sea. by the Russian fleet, the Russian consulate was demolished and the consul se-verely se-verely wounded. Washington. Nov. 20. Dublin, N. H., has taken the lead for per capita contributions to the Red Cross European Euro-pean war relief. With a population of 600 persons Dublin has subscribed $1800, three dollars for each inhabitant. inhabi-tant. In addition Dublin has given $1000 to the Belgian relief committee and much clothing and supplies. oo |