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Show r It Makes Hens Lay m$Mf rt2Z2 Regulator NffixfisMf Get ti c laying hens Into the egg-a-day class and Triy starM up tiie laz.v nev Pu',, life and visr into thc who 6 flock and gives a healthy relish to the feed. ' Costs but a trifle the extra eggs pay for it many times over Come in and let us prove to you that it will make hens lay. If it fails, we will give you your money back. 25-lb. pail only $2.50. In packages at 25c, 50c. and $1.00. For Sale by Feed and Poultry Supply Dealers. 6300. r J SLADE TRANSFER Phone 321. Office 408 25th St "SLADE HAS AN mbS mwm" FOUR PER CENT INTEREST compounded on savings SECURITY for them, and money back when needed Is this bank's plan for all who deposit at our Savings Department. Depart-ment. Take advantage of it. 1 Ogden Savings Bank Ogden, 'Jtah. M. S. Browning, President. L. R. Eccles, Vice-President. John Watson, Vice-President Chaa. H. Barton, Cashier. 1 oo URIC ACID SOLVENT For Rheumat'sm and Kidney Trouble. 50 Cent Bottle (32 Doses) FREE Just because you start the day worried wor-ried and tired, stiff legs and arms and muscles, an aching head burning and bearing down pains in the back worn out beforp the dav becins, do not think you have to stay in that condition con-dition Those BUfferera who are in and out of bed half a dozen times at night will appreciate the rest, comfort and strength this treatment gives. For any form of bladder trouble or weakness weak-ness its action is really wonderful. Be strong, well and vigorous, with no more pains from stiff joints, sore muscles, rheumatic suffering, aching back or kidney or bladder troubles. To prove The Williams Treat ment conquers kidney and bladder diseases, rheumatism and all uric acid troubles no matter how chronic or stubborn, if you have never used The Williams Treatment, we will gie one 50c bottle bot-tle (32 doses) free if you will cut out this notice and send it with your name and address, with 10o to help pay distribution expenses, to The Dr. D. .V. Williams Company. Dept 2678, Postoffice Block, East Hampton Conn Send at once and yo.i Will receive bv parcel post a regular 60c bottle, without charge and without incurring in-curring any obligations. One bottle only to a family. Advertisement. Tony Ardis, a Boy Scout play, given by the K. O. K. A.t First M. E. Church basement, Wednesday, Nov. 25. Help the boys get shower baths and lockers. Boys' seven-piece orchestra. 25c and 15c. Advert Isomont Eastern Excursions VIA UNION PACIFIC Nov. 21, 23; Dec. 19, 22. . Following Specially low Round Trip Fares from Ogden to points named. Denver or Colorado Springs $22.50 Omaha or Kansas City 40.00 I St. Louis 51.20 Memphis 59.85 Chicago 59.72 St Paul or Minneapolis 53.86 Correspondingly low fares to other points. Return Limit Three Months from date of sale. CITY TICKET OFFICE Orpheum Block Phono 2500. W. H. Chevert, ffiffffi General Agent. K$l$ti j Paul L. Beemer, MjftiTF' City PaaBenger and Ticket Agent. BOOKING OFFICE, ALL IMPORTANT STEAMCHIP LINES ; Baggage Chocked From Reoidcnco to Destination. I ' t Great Singers Must be 1 "Tobacco Wise" TuxedoistheTobaccoChosenbyOperaStars A TEN who depend upon their voices IVi come to know tobacco as the ordi- M waSSSSLSSSU . . ?aiy 8mker never knows it. A sen-"iaivaysfiiimypipewuh'ViixeJa. sen-"iaivaysfiiimypipewuh'ViixeJa. sitive throat or mouth feels the slightest tuxedo and I are firm friends." Sting, bite Or SCOrch of tobaCCO. ( Tuxedo is the one tobacco which singers, factors, public speakers all men who guard their throats zealously can smoke with pleasure and safety. Tuxedo tobacco cannot sting, bite or irritate irri-tate the delicate membranes of the mouth or throat. JACK HENDERSON JH B ofth.-Tla.Lady.-Comp, M W'Wffi Loud cheers Jor Cuxtdo. Afy JV favorite always. I put nen zest "e "erred Tobacco for Pipe ana Cigarette into my singing after a pipeful of tuxedo. I find tuxedo a real Tuxedo tobacco has made thousands of men voice, help. converts to the pipe, because it has made pipe- Orf fllcidutA smoking possible tor them. Under the famous 2Ltf "Tuxedo Process" the mild, tender leaves of the if-TOft-- highest grade Burlcy tobacco are so skillfully treated that Tuxedo burns slowly and affords a cool, mild, 1 thoroughly enjoyable pipe V isters5 lecturers, etc. llsl V r smoke Tuxedo and testify fOM DONALD BRIAN YOU CAN BUY TUXEDO vMS starring in "The Marriaec Market" EVERYWHERE J'(SijffiS jSiflsHlR i '7 W found that the use of Famou, gTCcn tin with gold jct. - ft IMfe' ' Guxedo docs not interfere with my tering, curved to fit the pocket lUC WSmSSO singing. On the contrary I've never CoBTenient pouch ,Wr-W r ilKSK' indulged in a more satisfying, more with moiturc-proof paper . . DC SM V3-f fL' THE AMERICAN TOBACCO COMPANY PJ U PACKED BY AUTAH H PEOPLE I You'll Praise 1 This Coffee 1 H It "hits" the spot. Its wondrous flavor due to ra fresh roasting daily-is above n M comparison Dealers, every H 3 where, sell I HEWLETT'S 1 |