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Show oo FRANCE TO SEND A F!NEEXHIBIT Cabinet Decides Country Shall Participate Officially in 1915 Fanama-Pacific Exposition. Ex-position. Bordeaux. Nov 20, via Paris, 4.45 p. m. Th Pn DCb cabinet decided today i hat. notwithstanding the war i ace will participate officially in the Panama exposition at San Francisco. Fran-cisco. The exhibit will be in the form of a reproduction of th palace of the Legion of Honor. In thr- building will bo installed historical objects of art, French tapestries, furniture and ( hlnaware Tho exhibit also will in-Olude in-Olude examples of eontimporanous art and manufactures. iBber Carter Baker, director of exhibits ex-hibits of thi exposition, who arrived m France November l, made earn-est earn-est representations to the foreign office of-fice and other departments of the government with the object of procuring pro-curing a French exhibit oo |