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Show CMP1 BOTH) f HfD RETURN i FROM EAST I i E. L Howes and son, H R. Howes i have returned from a mouth's visit : J to ihe eastern states, the trip being I made as guests of the Curtis Publishing Publish-ing company. The hoy. popularly ! knowu as "H. R " won the prize of- ( fered by the publishing company !n J n Saturday Evening Post selling con-teat, con-teat, last summer, the prize offered being a trip to the World's championship cham-pionship baseball series at Boston and I Philadelphia. During their stay at M Philadelphia, young Howes and bl3 1 father werp the guests of honor at a 1 dinner in the dining room of the Sat- 1 ) urdaj FAer.tng Post The two were 1 also taken for an inspection trip through the plant of the Curtis Publishing Pub-lishing company's plant and found i his exceptionally interesting. Before e returning home, they passed a week in sightseeing at Washington. D C and also visited other cities. In speaking of his trip todav "If R." said. "I had the very best time of my life. The Curtis people are royal en tertainers and willing to dc more than they promise. We went east via Pittsburg and around the famous Horseshoe Bend, through Philadelphia to Newark, N. J. and through the tube under the Hudson river, to New York City. 'We got into New York City early in the evening, so Btrolled around and saw the sights, as our train for Boston was not to leave until midnight. mid-night. We dropped into a picture show and what do you think? Every picture they showed had been seen in Ogden. In Chicago It was the same thing. We saw 'My Official Wife," and that was in Ogden about three months ago. Well, our sleeper was ready at 11 o'clock, and the next morning we awoke In Boston aDd it was a holiday Columbus day and It seemed as though every one in the city wanted to see the game Tickets sold as high as $35. The speculators had them, but our tickets were there waiting wait-ing for us." |