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Show j Quality & Qlxjh 1 I It's easy to claim "Quality jj and Style," but it takes 1 work and study to live up fr to the claim. Hi MlC, X No amount of work, no H fgr I amount of study is too great : -jj for us. f I IP vTV Which explains why the t fppf P men an( yun men of Off- f cen have come to know I & positively that the suit or NsfSto overcoat they buy here will SVjgjv be absolutely and unalter- ably "right'' whether they j - Hi ! M BuchmUler I ,'l;;::r & Flowers 1 1 ' ' '-"MM "Dressers of Men." ! ' ' ; '' OPENING I NEW HILL AT Hot Springs A To-morrow Night Dance Sompiimantary I 9 Last Day ol Carpet and Rug $ l m Exhibition Saturday m I LOOM WILL BE IN OPERATION FROM 9 A. M. TO 5 P. M. AND m 7:30 lo 9 P.M. ajTw mu Don'fc faU to see this gr1 educational event. fjDh H " Thousands have seen genuine Body Brussels Carpet JlfX nfcTfimf woven this week and have expressed themselves as H jgagHWfl delighted with the wonderful process. dSSfc ij Education comes largely through the senses, and LB jHft MSSSHSfiP vlkf nothing is more valuable to the child or adult than iSCfc VIV WilHifi iiWffiWml CCt contact wit1 the fundamental occupations and T3w Hsf Wm HMH9 HlEjL industries of the people. The exhibit has been shown W 1D&fll9 BffiHWi during the past six years in all the large cities of the FffiHBBBlPV Umted States and after leaving Ogden will be shown VSK (Hi jjjjgjgOTMAKJ m Pueblo. We are the only house in Utah to show W3R Wt HllHw flkEfr thl3 loonL After having Pueblo the machine hav- AMP H WtnfflFu8t mg tonred the country, will probably be sent to the K yHmi Smithsonian Institute at Washington as a permanent W Wh iTrMSnLoQMi exhibit. We, therefore, advise all to see this mag- H 45Eft p1 eCeit f mechanism while the opportunity jQflR H Ol3 W11 usually takes a great deal of research to Hg leam is shown in a few minutes under actual work- ing conditions and is intensely interesting , H H $33 in PRIZES OFFERED TO THE PUPILS OF THE SCHOOLS if I OF OGDEN AND WEBER COUNTY, FOR THE BEST COM- I POSITION ON THE SUBJECT. $ I The process of manufacturing high grade Rugs and Carpets, as I demonstrated by the Whittall Exhibition Prizes to be as fl I W follows: I From 7th and 8th grade pupils from Sub. High, Weber Academy and Sacred Hi Heart 5.00 Mn (flEft From 1st and 2nd years pupils from High School, Weber Academy and Sacred ' fj U$S From 3rd and 4th years' pupils from High School, Weber Academy and Sacred8'00 "filv R Heart 910.00 K From County School pupils 5.00 'mt From State School for Deaf and Blind . ' " jOO rftfr, Wfif The composition can be as short as the writer may elect, but must exceed 500 words fNfl from pupils from the 7th and 8th grades, County or Deaf and Blind Schools or 1000 Uv IR words from the higher grades Compositions must be in the hands of the Boyle Furni- Bp ture Co. within three weeks of the close of the exhibition. The prizes will be awarded Mm as soon as possible but before Christmas. HR- |