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Show BAN ON WHEAT, WOOL AND FLOUR Meat and Coal Included in Austrian Government Order Or-der America Feels Effect. Washington. Nov. 3. The American consul at Sydney, N S W , reported today the Australian government plat ed au embargo on ment and coal except 'o the mother countr, Judge Fl mlng chief of the board of foreign for-eign trade advisers today received a cablegram from the American consul con-sul general in Australia Btatlng that the Australian government had also placed an embargo upon wool wheat and flour. Australian wool imported direct Into In-to the United States during the seven months ending In July amounted to :".'.."K:,.uihi pounds, valued at $,",.'.! ",s The quantity Imported directly by way ol England i not specific iallj) enumerated enum-erated in government records. Meat trom Australia during the cvi i) months amounted t,, L1:; .;ui;,;eis pounds, valued at $1,799 11 16 Pcciflc Coast Seriously Affected San Francisco, Nov, 3 The embargo em-bargo placed by Australia on shipments ship-ments of coal and meat, except to the mother country, seriously effects Gils port, and that portion of the. I Pnciflc coast tributary to it. Fuel oil la used in almost all of the factories, on all railroads, and with few exceptions excep-tions on vessels plying the Pacific, but coal for domestic consumption is hi fly Imported here irom Australia, j Within the last eighteen months shipments of Australian beef, mutton 1 and butter hae been- a factor hero In keeping down retail prices. which Steadily have climbed as the grazing grounds narrowed and the population grew. |