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Show I J NOVEMBER SALE OF LADIES' SUITS I J IZnm Nowch m but Winter is I $40.00 Values ... an J $27.50 Values "iSS f $25.00 Values ... $18 50 $20.00 Values I Ufya M. M. WyKes Co. f E 2335 Washington Ave. OU Rend the Classified Ad3. BRAMWELL'S FOUNTAIN PEN SPECIAL. With every Waterman, Conklln or Wirt Pen so d during week we give FREE a 25c. bottle of Ink and safety safe-ty clip. Looking Both Ways Two things govern K the selection of lenses and mountings for i-A tne glasses which we fcJ offer you There's the jpj LJ way you look In them Wa R and there's the way JpS (Va you look though them aj Our aim is to see that jg Ljj both ways are satlsfac- n Rj tory to you. H U J. T. RUSHMER U Q Manufacturing Optici.-in , N and Optometrist. WM 2464 Washington Ave. j HUNTED DOWN S western drama in 3 parts A story ! of the unwritten law, also King Bag I got in "The Man Who Was Misunderstood," Misunder-stood," 2 parts, and "All at Sea. " comedy. Lyceum today and tomorrow (Advertisement) Merltol White Liniment is a pplpndid application for Sore Throat. Cold on the Lungs, Croup and Pains in the Chest Saturate a piece of flannel cloth with the Liniment and use as a plaster. Tt la very pen etrntlng. and effective. Prices 50c and $1 00. Culley Drug Co., Exclusive Agents. Ogden, I'tali Advertisement. Read the Classified Ads. oo ELECTION RETURNS-MARY RETURNS-MARY PICKFORD KEY- STONE COMEDY 8-PIECE 8-PIECE ORCHESTRA TONIGHT, TO-NIGHT, OGDEN THEATER. j 5c and 10c. Advertisement. uu- Tonight at The Ogden Election returns, Mary Pick-ford Pick-ford in 5-part Paramount Picture, Pic-ture, a screamingly funny Key-1 Key-1 stone Comedy, an 8-piece orchestra. A nickel for children; chil-dren; a dime for grown-ups. Come! Advertisement. oo Get accurate election re-1 turns, see Mary Pickford in the Paramount Picture "Such A Little Queen," see the newest Keystone Comedy and hear the 8-piece orchestra tonight. Ogden Theater. A dime that's all. Continuous show 2 p. m. to 11 p. m. Advertisement. BESSIE EYTONi I i0bC I Compete Change I TODAY I Program I and Wednesday QJlil IN j Election Returns I "PLAYING WITH FIRE" I JJ Read the Classified Ada. 00 Read the Classified Ads. j 4 OGDEN THEATER I H The Paramount Play- I Tonight and Tomorrow Presents I MARY PICKFORD H 'America's Sweetheart ! in the 5-part play of j love and comedy by H Channing Pollock. I Queen'7 H A famous author, a famous II p ayer, a famous producer-Mary producer-Mary as she Is today, not as she used to be. A Key- Ml stone Comedy; 8-plece or-HH or-HH chestra 5c and 10c. H |