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Show Ml CLERKS IN THE PARCEL POST TERMINAL Preparations for tho holiday rush i at the local parcel post terminal will begin about the 10th of the month according to an announcement made by Chief Clerk W. F. Bangasser of the railway mall service. At that time, one or more extra clerks will be added to the force at the transfer , building In the Brigham hotel build- ing, and additions will continue to I be made at intervals, until the big rush is on, when it is expected that upwards of 2.". clerks will be employed. Work 16 expected to commence on j ; the new parcel post terminal building i j on the Union depot grounds within la week or ten days, as the specifications specifica-tions have now been approved. The building is to be constructed by the I Oregon Short Line Railroad company at an estimated cost of 1 2,000. It will be of brick and concrete eon-structlon eon-structlon and will have a floor space T of 70 by 40 feel The erection of rilj the building is considered an import ant economic move by both the gov j I ernment and the railroad company. fe and will greatly facilitate the hand ling of the parcel post mail In a recent conversation on tha growth of the parcel post department depart-ment of the civil service, both in size and efficiency, Chief Clerk Bangas-ser Bangas-ser gave out some Interesting statistics.. statis-tics.. There are now in operation at the principal mail centers in the country, coun-try, he said, more than SO terminals These terminals were established prl marlly for the purpose of relieving railway postoffice trains. At the Ogden terminal, with a force of 12 wa clerks, an average of 1200 packas the of letters, 150 sacks of papers and te 264 sacks of parcel post matter is he art . lnP distributed daily On l)ecemb?r )0 25 of last year there was distributed at the Ogden terminal approximately Ljjg L 52,000 pieces of parcel post mail At New York City an average of e(8 i 604.000 parcels are mailed dally, and S6.000 pieces are received dally for delivery. It has been ascertained that the number of complaints of mt damage made to that office does not n exceed an average of four daily A rv. recent count made at. the Washing er. ton. D. C , postoffice for two dayp in July, of the number of damaged i parr. ).- ret elved, showed that out of sea a total of r,l67 pieces received less oal that one fifth of one per cent were in bad order. These reports. Mr. Ban-iek Ban-iek gasser stated, were evidence that the in. service was greatly Improving In effi- en- ciency as well as Increasing In volume aia ol parcels handled. |