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Show '-oo WAR BULLETINS Berlin. Nov. 3, via The Hague and London, 0 on a. m. The German submarine sub-marine which compassed the destruction destruc-tion of the British cruiser Hermes off Dover last Saturday, has returned safely to port This Information is i conveyed in an official announcement given out in Berlin relating to the los6 of the British warship The name of the submarine which took part in the engagement is not given Washington, Nov. 3 An official ad- ice from Ambassador Page at London Lon-don today indicates that the Italian vessels San Giovanni and Regina De Italia, laden with American copper and detained by the British authorities authori-ties at Gibraltar have been permitted to proceed to their Italian destinations. destina-tions. It does not so state specifically specifical-ly v Geneva, via Paris. Nov 3, 2 05 a m. News has reached here that. Germany, Ger-many, in order to avoid sinister rumors, ru-mors, is giving every facility to tho consuls of the United States and other neutral nations to visit the camps In which the war prisoners are interned. in-terned. The object Is to show that the prisoners are well treated and this, it Is asserted, has been proven to be true Berlin, Nov 3, via London, Nov 3 4:20 a. m "A telegram from Essen states that a French aeroplane, bearing bear-ing a German flag and an iron cross, was shot down above the station at Duren, 18 miles east, of Alx-la-Chap -elle yesterday afternoon. It was officially announced in Berlin that Lieutenant General Karl von Meyer was killed In action on the 28th of October. Petrograd, Nov 3 The Persian legation le-gation here declares that no alliance exists between Turkey and Persia. All rumors of such an alliance in the Russian and foreign press, it is stated, sta-ted, are without foundation. Cairo. Egypt, Nov. 3. via London, 155 p ro. All Egypt from today Is placed under martial law. Major General Gen-eral Sir John Grenfell Maxwell, commanding com-manding the forces in Egypt has published pub-lished a proclamation to the effect that the British government has ordered or-dered him to take charge of the mill tary control of Egypt and to Insure protection. Geneva, Switzerland, via Paris, Nov 3, 2:05 a. m. Travelers w-ho arrived here Monday from Strassburg say that Crown Prince Frederick William of Germany was seriously, although not mortally wounded in the fighting in France and that be was taken to the palace at Strassburg and placed under the care of specialists from Berlin. Ber-lin. London, Nov 3, G 15 a m. A. dis-palch dis-palch from Delhi, India, to Reuter's Telegram compan says that in view of the outbreak of Turkey it was authoritatively au-thoritatively announced throughout Indlr. that no religious question was involved and that Mohammedan holy places in India are immune from attack at-tack by the British naval and military forces "provided the pilgrims from India In-dia to these places are not interfered with. At the request of Great Britain, the dispatch adds, France and Russia Rus-sia have given similar assurances. Rome. Nov. 2, 11:49 p m. Slgnor Saloindra, the premier of the cabinet cabi-net which has just resigned because of differences among its members regarding re-garding questions of financial policy, having been semiofficially entrusted by King Victor Emmanuel with the duty of forming a new cabinet, spent the" whole of the evening tonight in consultation with political friends, as he wishes to solve the crisis in the shortest possible time, owing to the international complications. According to tbe custom here, the official announcement an-nouncement of his having been entrusted en-trusted with thp formation of a cabinet cabi-net will be given out almost simultaneously simul-taneously with the announcement of the new cabinet. St. Louis. Nov 3 Contracts for an aggregate of $1 000,000 worth of harness har-ness for the British army, part of a $6,500,000 order placed with a firm in South Bend, Ind , were sublet to fivn saddlery manufacturing companies compa-nies of St. Louis yesterday. The entire en-tire order Is for 20 000 sets of six-horse six-horse harness. A saddle is required for every other horse. The equipment therefore will be comprised of 60,000 saddles and 120,000 harnesses. The hardware for the harness Is to be furnished fur-nished by firms in Canada and Eng land. The St. Louis firms will be allowed al-lowed twenty weeks In which to fill their part of the order. |