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Show 1 V TIMES. COALVILLE mstmututn comhst. CTAU, JUNE fiJOALVILLX, mi u E.B. J X head is busy theee days as census enumerator. Mrs. F. M. Piaaeo returned Park Wednesday. home to Peoples Mer. Co. One two-o-s Wet lie ol fialtair Extracts 2 equals 6 10 cent bottles. Htw ntm Nunui 14-tl- . W to fart City ....... .v..,. AM IBOf HU 1C. ,.ml - Va,titoane Judge Korrell and Btenegrapher Pike returned to Belt Lake Wednesday, 1, ao.t,Wat 1 W Hi. I prepay express charges on all watch and jewelry repairing seat me. F.A. McCarthy, Jeweler, Park City. H. i. Put..,, ... Absolutely Pure- - Mrs, Jooepk Kimball spent a lew days bar with bar knabaad this week to tecs pe the intense heat in Salt Laka. B aur y os t Saltalr Extracts. Agent Kimball was the happieet man in visitor to Balt Laka town. Frost. Clafif The water in tha irrigation ditch Ik It wak north of Chalk Creek broke loeee Ban Wouldn't a elca strowsr ba welcome day and did considerable damage to the tbaaa days? caoal. The break waa repaired and water turced ia again Monday. Mlaa Elisa Batch raturnad homa frot 10CU HKD OTHER KEWS. For the third of a century the standard for strength and purity. It makes the hot bread, hot biscuit, cake and other pastry light, sweet and excellent in every quality. No other baking powder is just as good as Royal, either in strength, purity or wholesomencss. tu Atmylunday. Capt. 0. P. Bucher eame out fro Balulr w lcaeraaaa Balt Lake Monday, and spent several II you vast goad H-tlExtracts. daya ia this part. Be starts a number Dr- - W. Yiatck apant tha vaak in of man as rangers at tha reserve this month. John. H. Belmon ia smeng the llorgaa doiag dental work. number. A great many strangera ware in town You leal better at ones after using (ha first ol the weak attending court. HERBINE, yon enjoy yonr food more, Chalk Creak and Weber river have and yen gat more noariahment and ingone down vary rapidly tha patttwa vigorating fdkce ant ol what yon eat. Banos HZKBINE makts you strong, weeks, vigorous and cheerful. Price 50 cts. Fine wttch repairing. All work guar- John Boy dee A Boa. anteed by F.' A, McCarthy, Jeweler, Tha City Coaaeii will meet as a board , Park City. of equalisation on Monday evening, John Croft ol XntarprlM, lather ol Juaa 18th, and all who think their taxes on a war mayor, waa In town are toe high should ha preeent at that visit. meeting or forever hold their peace. Attention ii called thla week to the Dr. J, A. Hoamer came eat from Salt ads of M.E. Salmon and the Cash Bar Laka Tnasday to attend Mrs. George gain Stora, Beard, who has bean vary sick lor over Elijah AP.es and iasiily U ft this week weekpast. Her Ufa waa despaired ol for Willord, Ida., where they will make at ana time, bat bar many friends will (heir future home. ' ha glad to learn that she is non klrs. May Olsen and children are will tfamnal Livaey, who was injured ia . vl'iting relatives in Coalville, and aummer. for the the Bcofield mine exploeioa, waa ia tetania here Coalville last week. Ha has aiffleient-t- y pa.dfaiw'v II you use BMtMr Extracts ysM recovered to be eat, bat cannot use cream, etc., era sure his handa yet,' both of' which art in to be good. Ha retaraed to the hospital bandage Cn Sunday of last week Alex, Bobin at Balt Laka Saturday, and expects to non ol Qroydea waa married to Ethai remain there far about a month. Atpor ol Coalyille at Ogden. Call at John Beyden A Sons drug Mias Hannah Rhead, who has been stora and get a free sample of Chamberwording at tha Park tha past two weeks, lain's Stomach aad Liver Tablets. They are an elegant phyala. They alee imcame homa Sunday morning. prove the appetite, strengthen the diMrs. George Edgiagtoa want to 8alt gestion, and regnlata the liver aad bowel They are easy to taka and Duke Monday morning to visit with in affect. plaaaant Iter slater, Mrs. A. Mother, for a weak. Ageatl.D.Wheadoa aad Bev. A. C. J.T. Beard, who recently aoid his Warner left bright sod early Monday place la the Calderweod brothers, left morning lor Silver City on their bicythla waaktof Idaho, where he 111 a aka cles, Mr. Whaadai goes to viait hii Bis future home. daughter, Bertie, who baa been going to school at that place 'all winter, lad George B. fiymaa and Mias, Mary Winters, both ol Hoytivlile, were greet- Bev. Warner aceempanied him for ed a marriage licanta to wad last Satur- ride. Yen may as wall expect to rnn a day and were married Sunday. (team engine withont water at to find John Calderwood raturnad last week an active energetic man with a torpid from Prove, where he has spent n week liver and yon may know thathia liver ia torpid when ha dost not relish hia food, visiting bia beat girl. John thinks I orfaaladoU or languid after eating, tore U month 4 ynusi the matter will efum hai headariM and aorueltroes dixit be settled. ness. A lew, deaaa of Chamberlains Itomach and Liver" Tablets will restore A telephone Una la being atruag his Uver to ita norma) lunation renew through Echo canyon from Cheyenne hli vitaUty, improve hia digestion aad to Balt Lake. It will only ha a few weekl make him Icpl like a now man. Price before ene can talk from Denver to Bali 25 eta, Bamples free at John Boyden A 8on'a. S - to-da- Sw 14-U- 2 Lake. It was reported In Monday's pa pen that the great Fiiipiod 7eader,'liuIn-ald- o, wtnhot on May lth. Thjaia mot tha first time thla has bean re ported. To aava mending, save breaking; and to avoid aufferlng, prevent coughs and colds by tha timely see af BALLARDS HOREUOUND . SYRUP. It la a safe - sure and swill remedy lor all bronchial ailments. Price 25 and 50 cents' ai; John Boyden A Sona. The County Commissioners have been In session Ml week as a hoard el equalisation, and have reduced tha valuation of property for qoite a number of citi nett. On Wednesday they Went Echo where they found the telephone company etringiag their polee on the bounty road, which were ordered moved. They also y tailed the couaty made . toad up Grass Creek canyon and - - severs changes In that road which .wjll be a great benefit to those who travel to Md from the mines at Grass Crack, were con TTari of yoalerday and to-da- y i euated in the regular routine el county bus to esc. t, 1900. the rasaa. Kfttmu Mmtu. . bsktnr powdsf are epos the market. These ere made with slum. tnd csre should be taken to avoid them , as ulna is s potsuw, never to be takes in the food. Msnjr km priced, imitation ROYAL RAK1HU POWDM CO., IM WILLIAM IT., Many women tail to digest and w become pale, sallow, W. H. their toed, thin aad If the itomach performs ita functions actively and regularly, the food of which weak, while the brightness, freshness it is the ia transformed into and beauty ol tha skia departs. Remedy blood ol receptacle, a nourishing quality, which ssch this by taking HERBINE after furnisher vigor and warmth to the who meal, to digest what you have eaten. body. HERB1NE gives ton to tha Price 10 eta. John Borden A Son. siouiach and promotes digestion and assimilation. Pries 50 cu. John Boyden George Idgington ol Ooelville, who A Son. graduate this weak from the Collegiate An exchange reports that it haa reInstitute, will enter Edab Medical Colceived tha following communication a become to lage, Chicago, in tha fall," from one el ita tnbacribaro: Bend me inrgeon. Tha other membere of ike a lew copies ol the paper that haa the alaas are.expected to form tha nucleus of the first freshmen elaas to enter BheL obituary and verses about tha death of my child a month or two ago. Yon wi college. Tribune. please publish tha following clipping Horseradish it - being exploited as a About tha marriage ol my niece,' And I care lor freckle Apply with n licen flab yon weald mention in yonr local cloth two tablespoonfuls of grated horse- colamna, il it doesnt cost anything, elaoor that I am radish mixad gaing to have public sals and milk. II a girl (recklet easily ahe should will rent part of my farm, also that I keep thii lotion and use it frequently, have a law extra calvea to aell at public being careful, of course, that none feta auction. Bend ma a law copies ol ths in her eyee. Horseradish will remove paper tbia week, hot aa my time haa an ays aa rapidly aa a freckle. Ex. . . run ont you may ttop my paper, aa times era too hard to wait money on a We this week received a card annonan newapaper. ing tke marriage of Henry Blackburn af Brigham City toMiaaEiisa Bicbiaiof It iaeooaomy to uae fialtair Extracts, Grouse Creek, at the Salt Lake Teaple Glarieaa Wedceeaay. The latter has n great many relatives and acquaintance in Cornea from Dr. Di B Cargile of WashElectric Bitten this and cf the county, who will wish ita, 1, T. He writs : bar and her husband all the happlaesa haa eared Mrs, Brewer ol acrofals, which haa earned her great auffering lor it ia poaeibla to enjoy. She ia a niece of years. Terrible soret would break out tha writer. r an her hands and face, and the beat doctors cond give nohelp;but now her H. O. Jackson, kaperiniendent Utah Electric Bitter health ia excellent. Division R. M. Telephone company, la tha bast blood purifier known. Ita waa hi town this week endeavoring to tha supreme remedy for ecsema, tatter, establish an exchange at this plaa alt rhaam, ulcers, boila and running He says that il he can obtain 12 aub sore. It atimulataa liver, kidney and eribers an exchange will be put In; tha bowels, expel poiaana, nelpa digestion, builds up tha strength. Only 50a, Sold line will be coauected with tha ooa at by Johalkijtda& AIRn, Guaranteed, Echo, and that the line between hert and Park City will be reconstructed, to Harriaget, that better aervice will he assured. From Ml appearance thara will ha a Nearly the required number have al- nambar of waddinga this month. On ready subscribed. Monday last Mr. Gaorga Huffman and If you know an item kindly tell ns Mlaa Eva Randall of Upton procured a Ucaaaa from Clerk Pack, and is tha The attendance at the conjoint priest- about it. Every week we tel wkat we know. Every week we knew that ypn afternoon were married by Bp. John hood and council meeting held last young "coupla know things that wa dont kaow. And ClarkofUptonrThe Saturday was not very large. It waa dewill join ia of who friaada boat a have cided at that meeting to appoint com wt know tbatysu know that wa dont n end them happy jenrnay long wishing mitteea to solicit meani to aand mission- know it, and still you dont tall n Now life. if yoni tell na what yoa know then throogh aries from this 8 taka lor the purpose ol wall toll you what we know, and also FADDirlCLABX, purchasing their treats, hooka, ate, Mr. Samuel J. Faddiea and Miaa Altar some dissuasion the Relief Society, what you know, and thsa our reader will kaow what they know and what Katie Clark took tho train Taoaday Young Ladies and Primary Aseociatiooa know and aleo w you and what know, were selected aa the ones to gather the oraiag lor Balt Laka and on Wedneswhat you know we know that know' you means, and Bp. F. U. Wright waa apday were united in wedlock at tba wo know you know. Ix, treasurer. W. G. Fiahar will Temple. They will return home Sunpointed abode In tha actaaaaaretary, aad tha Buka PresiState Coal Mina Inspector Thomas on day and will taka 'up thair Wild All their acT. of an as J. residence executive committee. Tha Saturday last filed hia official dency report much wish Ihim association named above will solicit with Gov.;Well8of joy and the taroU ox plosion quaintances wedde'd life. their in tha various wards, aad aand it at Bcofield on meani daring May 1st. Mr," Thomas happioaaa to tha traainrar. Every Elder who ia ascribe the causa of ths disMter to the a IpisUsS Aekle Oafokly (irst . n a mlssioa from this Stake will ra- accidental explosion of a keg ol powder, At one time I suffered from a aever se ivea earUin amount each month with the flame from which ignited other keg ol tha ankle, aaya Gaorga K. sprain which ha can purchase tracU. This ia and the at tha Guide, ha coal editor Washington, explosive dust While Cary, a good more, and If everybody will do- behaves that the Alter naiagaavarai wall recomcoal da ig not ex- Vx. nate their sham our missionaries will plosive under mended 'medicines withaat aucceaa, I ordinary oondition, ha tried Chamber laiua Pain Balm, and 1 be grestlr aiiiited, and those who a ha racommandod that ths tool eompnny am pleased to My that relief cam a will not mis the small amount-I- t kaep the dust wet. 8inee reopening oon at 1 began ita usa and a cmpleta waa alto decided at that meetiag to of the mine the company aa followed ear aprdily lollewad. John Boyden di aeoatiaae tha Stake Academy for one the inspoctor'a advice. Ig the iaapact A foa. BRANCH, HOUSE. Uinagtr. HOLIDAY 8, July 4th & 24th. NEW YORK. year, owitig to a lack ol meani with ora report hia declaration ia cited that no exploaiva coal gaa exists ia tbs which to rnn the school. Winter Quarters mine. OPERA COALVILLE The Floor has been rock-rubb- condition. z- first-cla- ss and waxed and is now in a ed z - it wet! Come to the place which ft z z z lighted, bright ana in every respect. ret-cla- ss 50 court. Robert Walker. 1 Price, Dealer in GENERAL MERCHANDISE. n High. Patent. Straight .Grade & Family Brands. with-teacopf- Jaa . do-uat- luutictuet tj Pterj a lie!, Oglu. CREEK GRASS COAL. lass Stove Coal veU screened Lump Coal BIG WEIGHTS -- - $1.25 $2.00 and Good Service. Stable and Bunk Room at Mouth of . Canyon Only 15 cents. A Grass Creek Coal Co. 0. A MONSTER W. FRENCH, M- - D., Physician and 8nrgeon, OFFICE AT BEBIDXJIgE. Coalville. Office hours from 2 to 4 p. a. All wbooaa should ebaerve theee hoart s near as possible. DETIL-FIIP- , ite victim, ia a type of Destroying conatipatian, Tha power 1 this malady ia felt on organa, nervaa, muscle and bruin; Bnt Dr. Kings New Life Pilla are n safe and certain core. Beat Coalfille Ledge No. 28 - 0. 0. F. in tha world for stomach, liver,-kidneMeet every Thured ay evening at 7 :30 and bowel ; Only 25 eti at John Boy t Coart Hour. Sojourning brethern Bon. cordially invited. Samnel Clark, N. G. Dr. Vtrd'i ledlcloes. Edward Sawley, Secy, 1- John Simpson, who carries tha famous Dr. Ward medicines, rpicee, extracts, etc., will make a canvass of tha entire county tha coming week, and those who desire theee good will do well to be prepared wbB ha calls on yea, Theee goods era positively tha cheapest 01 tba market, end tbeirquality la well knows by Ml who have used them. Dr. W VISICK Ri.MDENT Dentist. 1 . Coalville, Utah I3r0ffice at residence, cornet Main and Second North streets. " I t 1 ; t 5 . K |