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Show A SEHATOB'S LETTER. " Pcruna as a Nerve and Catarrh Ca-tarrh Tonic t"C Talk of the World. JejaaT ge esU fi& mil lion Vf V Butllvsn. U 8 Binater from Mississippi. Hon. W V Sullivan, Unltsd States Senator from illsslsilppl, in a letter recently written to Dr. Hartman from Oxford, Miss , says the following 'Tor some time I have been a sufferer suf-ferer from catarrh In Ha moat Incipient tttge, to much to that I became alarmed alarm-ed as to my general health, llut, hearing hear-ing of Pe-ru-na at a good remedy, I (art It a fair trial and soon began to Improve. Its effects wire distinctly beneficial, removing the snnoylng symptoms, and waa particularly good at a tonic "I tako pleature In recommending your great national catarrh cure, Pe-ru-na, it the bett I have ever tried." "W. V. Sullivan." I reruns curci catarrh wherever located. lo-cated. Peiuna haa no lubstltulet no rlrtls. Insist upon having Pcruna. 1 Aditrest Tho Perunit Medlclno Co, I Columbus, 0, for a free hook on catarrh. ca-tarrh. Congress adjourned June it. nriToirilcrciFD7ii BY MAIL . . . FOSTAOS rrtKPAID FOR $10.85. t This Is on. ot III. Tli. r.hrle Is an II wo.l bl.ek t l.j In rvunil est or ftn.utr.rat ljl. of run 1 1 th. ro.1 U (re.lrle.rbark to rlolh, lpel ullli e.lln, tti. Ilnlnss psitdlug .ml t.llnr-luanl.alinrstclftM t.llnr-luanl.alinrstclftM W.kliaw Hi. suit ratines ti. eU.lle.l anlwti.r. for lets thai! 0)19) to HIS. IV.'lt matt )ou a reals. rnralo S3, .nil If II Is not .1-Mtly .1-Mtly w. represent II, yuu in.y semt It Urk .nil grl junr money, 1W. i.lh.r mark ftulu ! alt MS, nana, isim 3, atoaa. vtv. otti.r llflM of .nil. from ! OO mi. Write u. for snrttlna you want Vto want lour trodo. no mslter towsm.llltl. Ilo.ur.ssdinta tloa this paper when you writ. oni rnios. J. P. GARDNER, IIS' ISt MUM ST.. tlT KKI CUT, UVSM. j fTMl firm Is asrf.cttf rtllakU.Cdlter.) Seoarss .n4 S.nnrlUs Tht married and unmarried women of the United State, of Colombia. Eouth America, are designated by the manner In which they wear flower. In their hair, the senoras wearing them on the right tide ant ihe senorlttt c the left Are To f.l-e AtleV. rwir-KAt.t It It the only cure for Swollen, Smarting, nurnlng, Sweating Keet, Corns and Ilunlont Alk for Aliens Koot-Esse, a powder to be shaken Into the shoes At all Druggists and Shoe Stores 2c Sample sent I llCU Address Ad-dress Allen 8 Olmsted. Leltoy, N Y. It Is estimated there are about vtS.OOO survivors of the civil war 1 here were on the pension rolls last ) ear 7ST,0? r.m.c nt th. it.ir Is csaied by daodiufl Cake Dan Irnlt Cure will stop It or uiouey rf unded. tl OJl Veterans of the Civil war are dying offal the rule of about 3 4 percent per atiuum Jane tr.,Mli,,. this year are very numerous, but not greater In number than tlienilvaiilni;ta offered travelers by the t nlon Pacific I Itallroad j .No Hue In the welt can ever hope to equal the time made to ell eastern points y the Union Poclflc. and It Just at far excels In tho elegance ot Ita I equipment and the perftUlon of Ita service If these are facts, and an Investigation Investiga-tion will prove It, why not select as your line of travel the "Ureal flrirland llouto," thereby rnekluir jnur trip onr not only of convenience, but real pleasure and solid comfort. A prompt reply will be given to any communication add rested to II. M. Clay, tleueilil Agent, Halt I.alie City, Utah " Memorial caercttet In Uyron, III , were marred by a violent electrical storm, which ivrrclii il the beautiful and cottly soldiers' monument, the llrttone erected In Illinois after the close of the Civil war heap llatr. I'.at, The speolal excursion ratea now being be-ing quoted apply via the Denver .t Itlo tlrande Itallroad, "I'he Hcenlo llouto of the World." Two tines of railway batneen Orand Junction and Denver. PnMcngcra have their choice at no nil-dltlonal nil-dltlonal cost Knur dally fast express trains, Nen and elegant (lining cars. Pullman nnd ordinary sleeping cars through tu Chicago without change. Do not miss the grand scenery on tho Denver and ltlo Urande. Atk your agent for particulars and tickets via the D A IU O It. K. Kx-Presldeul Orovcr Cleveland opens tho June Atlantic tvlth the tint of his recent Princeton addresses on The Independence In-dependence of tbo llvccutive, which have been so eagerly awaited by the nubile. Iho present paper traces tho history nf the relations between tbe President and Congress, nnd prepares tho way for tho dlscuston In July of htmmn controversy with Congress In 1M9, from which, as Is well known, ho emerged Irliimphnnt. Tho last survivor of Ilia war of 1913 died last summer, lorcntj-llve jcara after the close of tint war j Rost andhtfp tor woary woman aro found In Lydla E. PIidd.am'8 Veaatnhlo Compound. It makas woman wo-man strong and 'healthy to hoar tholr hurdons, and ovoroomos thoso Ills to which women aro subjoot hooauso thoy aro woman, Lydla E. Plnkham'. Vtsttihlc Compound Is known from aoast to coast' It has curod moro stole womon than any othor modlolnom Its friends aro overywhoro and thoy aro constantly writing thankful lettors which appear In this pap arm If you are puzzlod write for Mrs. Plnkham's advice ad-vice Hor address Is Lynn, Mass. Sho will chargo you nothlnu and sho has roslorod a million M womon to health. 8 SAVE MONEY! I -lSSUTWIWE... wmia- UTAH IMPLEMENT CO. SALT LAKE CITY UTAH. c. m. Aims, p.it. it, w. niool. see. SALT LAKE ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. CONTiUCTINQ ELECTRICIANS. Wholttali and Retail Electrical Supplies. .. TIll.MONI no e... IS w, rmir so bt . halt l citt, Utah. staFdiotion7bv a. rt. ocnae & co S00K Sillies SSLT lS QITV. UTAH SHEEPMEN. I rriti.oiform.rtetrepin.Mi.I.eiiiiiJIimli. Toot Q rjil.lMmti II llrlle 1 1 r I loll n A Mmm, Ih.oalf B Kiclu.li.sh-.pt nunif. lo. t inpir i In. Ihi B li..p uiitk.Ua Iti.w J hssuaUirMiKklinU. R I r c,hJ wn,j W PENSION 1 1 1" uiiiunmi, .i,in(..n. it. f.. th.f I I "IhrecelTOilulckreplli-. II UlNIInl. B HUSCOthCurtiv r(osccunciCUIinttla(sl87B I W. N. U . Salt Lnko-No.23. IQo'd". jB-rss, Mm th. rhept imi th. l,..i iiunry our rnetorr esn millj for ih HKVrU money JI If burn tho burnt, hero lIlutrolcU full. niulMinl lib NMjIal heavy rublr or ilrlil lop, InUiprlnn fulnllni mw dark llrowMM MU smi; body black wliii verynu.nnl.il Iterotrlh-iuhcr trlmmr.1. The 9iLYfiXT. nest "Ulioiv screwed Urn whirls I Inch treiul hull lensth llruu OyagajlAlJgrNA ''I"",. "! lorm apron whip socket, full drop hack loo nail, nickel trfiKTIw!llCl ",tl. I'alher trimmed sb.lta. He Unto vehicle, from Mai up. In VWA-ot.'A$S(?7 V,1"11" lleavl Carts. Hoaa Vtaeona. Hurrcja, fhseloua, Trap, hnrlnt OOTJiSTO' Hsns sail lluslnew likes. 1-hlppMO til) ewtol tlii llocay lioui" ...- 7.. rsjelpl ol la,ilh)eetlnriamlnallon. Send Co lo pa. uxtliir. SSSiSSttm '""""" T. M. ROBERTS' SUPPLY HOUSE ffiY.iT's j BILE BLOAT I tiWK7!l!filW9f!nii us uner the eyes; red nose; plmplc- nmulWWVwWijii k'otc'lccJ Creasy face don't mean hard drink-MMnStllr drink-MMnStllr WXv.lW 1 ,nS always as much as it shows that there is MW mWM B'LE JN THE BLOOD- It is true, drink- TO WvK&M lng; ancl 0Vcr-catineT overloads the stomach, mfJ'J A r sN 'MiOillifB ut h"urc t0 assIst nature in regularly dis-wWr dis-wWr (r-Jil Wll'll Psln f ,ne Partially digested lumps of oo ' Wffl WtII YvWif- ill l',at arc uniPcc ,nt0 'ne bowels and allowed l Mm TJ '-JTO' 1i!h5 I t0 rot lnerc. is what causes all the trouble. , 'tMJ,iS'' i iMffll CASCADE will help nature help you, and ilWl "' TTtS VJrvWI w1! kceP tl,c syem from fUIing with poisons, mm W2JlF ' JPSB fl wil1 dcan out the sores that tell of the sys- ! lr 'V7' ,-j.,' 1 Sj tern's rottenness. Bloated by bile the figure I y.X.,," f Q becomes unshapely, the breath foul, eyes and ! N ' syf I skin yellow; in fact the whole body kind of i v V I H's UP with filth. Every time you neglect to B I help nature you lay the foundation for just i Wbb3itiiii.ii' w .i.rTt-.", rr.'ry such troubles. CASCARETS will carry the ,,..,. ... , poisons out of the system and will regulate you naturally and easily and without Crlpe or pain. Start to-nl?ht-one tablet keep It up for a week and help the liver Jean up the boweb, and you will feel rieht, your blood will be rich, 4 face look clean, eyei bright. Get a 10c box of CASCARETS, take as directed. If you are not ' curci-or .atUfled you cet your money back. Bile bloat u quickly and permanently j0 eURED BY ' l w CANDY CATHTV r?o 25c. 50c. SiJs!L . iES rf ' DRUGGISTS , To aar needy morU4uffcrlngfro'jb,tl tmlUp rooitc ASCAK5TS wo will send a box free. Address i Sftllag Remedy n.r3y " ''orlr, mentioning advertisement acd piper. uo SS" |