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Show you, father," she answered, putting tbs Use Slockrfltfo bis hend. "Seeing Is thieving. he said, looking at the block cuHtwjsly "Put It away, Rosalie, to wish by when you are mar- THE AAGIC QUILT A u of the World.: g - reiut aro tt makes It ie eatt mated there are about 9S3.000 survivors of the civil war There were on tbe pension rolls last year 73Y.7B7. Pallia of tho Ilatr to wUi atop by dandr uff off Coke Dandruff Cura refunded, fl &). it or mo&ey Veteran of the Civil war are dying at tbe rate of about annum. Hen. W. V. Sullivan, U. g. Senator from MiMiMlppt Hon. W. V. Sullivan, United States Senator from Mississippi, in a letter recently written to Dr. Hartman from Oxford, Mist., aays the following: For some time I have been a sufferer from citarrh in in moat incipient etage, so much so that I became alarmed as to my general health. But, hearas ing of good remedy, I gars tt a fair trial and soon began to Its effects were distinctly Improve. beneficial, removing the annoying ymptoms. and waa particularly good r Pe-ru-- as e tonic. "I take pleasure in recommending your great national catarrh cure, aa tbe best I have ever tried. "W. V. Sullivan." Pe-ru-- Peruna cures catarrh wherever loPeruna has no substitutes no rivals Insist upon having Peruna. Address The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O., tor a tree book on cacated. tarrh. Congress adjourned 0 mi 1001 BLACK V June CLAY 8. M VORSIED MAIL . . . POftTABB PHSPAI0 FOR SI0.8S. This Is ene of th. best vala.e we've bed this eeeeon. Tbe (abrle la ss 11 wool black Clay worsted. It eoases la round eat or square cut style at rosti tha coat Is faced clear beck to s the with cloth, piped with satin, tbs linings ami enavns and paddlag and tallor-tu- ( are all lint class V know the suit eaaaot be equalled as) where for lose thau SIX to SIS. We'U mall you a suit and prepay past-y- e for 1 1 0.83. aad If It ie not exactly as we represent It, you may send It Suck and get jour money. We've other Black suite at SIS. S3, 18.83, le.SS. OSOSS. We'va other tries af salts from Sa.OS np. Write us for anything you want We went your trade, no matter bow small It U. Be sure aad mea-tiothis paper when you write srai-bole- e I rat laite city, Is ssrisctly reHeble. Editer.) men strong snd healthy boar their burdens, snd overcomes those Uls to which women aro subject because they are women Lydia E. Pinkhsms VtgtUbU Compound Is known from oAast to coast It has cured more siok women than any Its other medicine friends are everywhere and they are constantly writing thankful tetters which appear In this paper If you are puzzled write for Mrs Plnkham9s d vice Her address la Lynn, Mass She will and charge you nothing million a she has restored yeomen to health SAVE MONEY! USE BLUE TAQ TWINE... writs UTAH IMPLEMENT CO. East The special excursion rates now being quoted epply via the Denver & Rio ALT LAKX CITV. UTAH. Cheap Kates B. H. AIRIS. Peas. R. W. NICOL. Sao. Grande Railroad, The Scenic Route of the World." Two lines of railway SALT LAKE ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO. between Grand Junction and Denver. CONTRACTING ELECTRICIANS. Passengers have their choice at no additional cost. Four dally fast express Wholesale and Retail Electrical Supplies. trains. New and elegant dining cars. MO. a... ...TtLISHON Pullman and ordinury sleeping care 15 W. Piatt So. t . Salt Laki Citv, Utah. through to Chicago without change. Do not miss the grand scenery on the Denver and Rio Grande. Ask your STANDARD DICTIONARY. agent for particulars aod tickets via the aaeuLA D. A R. O. R. R. ernes Six, oun paics Ss. A, R, DESGE & CO., ook siLLiae. salt laki oitv, utam Grover Cleveland opens tbe June Atlantic with the first of his recent Princeton addresses on The In- Wrfta at for mtrket report on brep ud iamb. Tear couHtniucnu oilcttrd by ftVOUJ A itooTM, ihe ouly dependence of the Executive, which kxciuie hhep tommlm-lolumpAu? t Ihe bl have been so eagerly awaited by the tfeeep market in tbe world Kanwu Cliy Hock Terde. public. The present paper traces the PENSION history of the relations between the I I" BlCRFOUl), Washington. D. C., they President and Congress, and prepares I I will receive Quick replies H nth N H. Vol the way for tbe di&riifotion In July of toih Corps. Prosecuting CUiuis$iocct878 hla own controversy with Congress in 1886, from which, as is well known, he emerged triumphant. SHEEPMEN. a wMVMI? The last survivor of the war of 1812 died last summer, seventy-fiv- e years after the close of that war W. N. U.. J. F. GARDNER, wain ev.. eatv utam. (This per cent per Memorial exercises in Byron, 111., were marred by e violent electrical storm, which wrecked the beautiful and costly soldiers monument, the first oue erected in Illinois after the close of tbe Civil war. on our free Buggy Catalogue. Salt Lake No. 23. 1900. Mot the cheap it but the beet our factory can build for the 47 but the buggy hereBury mouey. ih'uVraiett fully eumuped. with heavy rubber or drill top. tnd eprings. Painting, guar, aark iiretrUi green, body black, with very ttue flnUh. Kerotelleat her trimmed. Th beat hickory screwed rim wheel. Much tread. Full length brumal carpet Boot, storm apron, whip socket, full drop back, toe nail. niek line roil, leather trimmed shaft. We have vehicle from m tt up, ii eluding Rood Cart. Rond Wagons, Surrey. Phaeton. Trap. Borin kToui D east of the Shipped C. tain on receipt of , subject to examination. Send 2c toRocky Dav ncwbuM ONS PRIOR. te-tt- 3 lane Wedding this year are very numerous, but not greater in number than the advantagis offered travelers by the I nion Pacific Railroad. No line in the weal can ever hope to equal the time' made to all eastern points by tbe Union Pacific, and it aa far excela In the elegance of just its equipment and the perfection of ita aervice. If these are facta, and aa investigation will prove it, why not aelect aa your line of travel the Great Overland Route, thereby making your trip one not only of convenience, but real pleasure and eolid comfort A prompt reply will be given to any communicalton addreased to H. M. Clay, GencAil Agent, Salt Lake City, U tab. a awwuiuiCTiiiim jv aB"T.U. ROBERTS a SUPPLY HOUSE 1 J y. who-foll- for Rest and e, well-know- svv'n Sd(3IId tr w weary help Smarting, Burning, Sweating Feet Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's women in found Lydia Foot-Easa powder to be shaken Into the, shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe Em PLikLam'a Vegetable wo -Store, 25c. gample sent IREK Address Allen S. Olmsted. LeRoy, N. T. Compound to Y plum-jumbl- The married and unmarried women ef the United States of Colombia. South America, are designated by the Ogoner In which they wear flowers in their hair, the tenoras wearing them oa the right aide and the senorltas c Ljje left Are V o tJaliiq AUa It la the only cure for Swollen, so she hid It, all but one coin, folded the quilt most carefully and put it Into the chest that had been her mother's Then most valued plfce of furniture tying on Glide's bonnet, she started with her to the village to buy some A TAILOR OUTWITTED. food t gueea maybe you've beard from Tbs VI. Mm Tails the Siory St His EipffnM. your father?" said tbe baker, of whom At the expense of himself a certain they bought some bread and cake logs and had but one roin, one window, one door ou1 j, Lig chimney pushing Its way through .a miserable roof of thatch. Rosalie shivered when-evthe little slater awoke, for the knew that each meal brought them eo touch nearer the end of the food. There were but two potatoes left and only a "When is becoming home?'' fashionable Philadelphia, tailor told crust of bread. Eial awoke crying hard I don't know," said Roalle, and the the following story Quite recently a for something to eat. Rosalie gave her coin wept Into his till, without hi man went into his establishment and the crust and aet the potatoes to roast- having any lde i of Its origin told him that Mr So and So, a promThe basket Ailed with food was inent customer (in full standing) bad ing In the aahea of the big fireplace. Against the panes of tbe one window heavy, and E'sle walked very slowly, said that Mr Tailor had several misthere had been a feeble drizzle all the so that It was nearly dark when they fit suits to dispose of and as he needed morning and now It began to pour In reached their lonely home Elsie was a new suit immediately he thought torrents, and Rosalie and Elsie were heartily fed and tucked Into her cradle he'd like to look them over One waa e forced to the chimney place to keep with a to munch upon found to fit hlroperefrtly and he took dry. Even here the raindrops some- while Rosalie put away her new stuck It at the price "But " he eald, 50 times managed to find the way and of eatablea tried to decide what ' Mr Tailor, 1 have not enough ready sputtered and ..biased .as they fell on . next to wish for. money to pay you 1 must have the the fire. Roealle went to a large wood-bo- z "1 think 1 had better wait till morn-Insuit Now do you know Mr Pancake, and flung handful after handful of and take all night to choose wbat the Chestnut street confectioner? dry sticks on the flames. It shall be," hs said to her sister, who Well on being assured that Mr. PanThere came a pound upon the door was already asleep. "How nice It a customer In good as If aomeone were hitting It In a great would be to wish for a new house, cake was also owes me some money, "he standing, hurry to get In. Rosalie crept cautiousmade of atone with a tight ahlngle roof which he has to pay this promised to the window All out. and looked ly and a vine growing over the front If you are agreed I will and afternoon, that she could ae at tbe door was an porch. walk over there with you and ask him old woman. In a high, peaked hat and Rosalie, by the light of the still " 8uch a a patchwork quilt pinned over her crackling fire, drew the quilt from the to send 30 of It to you of a bad riddance the and proposition shoulders to keep off the rain. and suit could not be overlooked, "Poor old creature," cried Rosalie to Mr Pancake's at when arrived they flew she to and to the door let hereelf, hop, without preliminaries the man her In. The old woman made a low "You know that hundred you aid courtesy and entered hobbling. Her face was wrinkled imd very ugly and promised to send me to New York, Mr. Pancake? Well, Just send fifty 'her feet were quite bare. She made of It to Mr. Tailor and the other fifty her way across the room to tbe flre- -, to the address 1 gave you." place where the sank wearily upon a That afternoon Mr Tailor received bench. a neatly done up package containing "I am sorry for you, said Rosalie, cream puffs PhiladelI ought to have opened 50 beautiful pltylagly. the door sooner," and she looked at the phia Times water dripping from tbe quilt and making little pools on the floor. MAX NORDAU AT HOME. "Bless you, my child," responded the old woman. "I was doubting If you fmllsr gtjla In Which th. Ontl SSaa would let such an ugly old woman l.lm v Max Nordau lives In Paris above a come la at all. "Indeed I would, said Rosalie hondrinking shop It appears that the Nordau" was originally used name estly. "I am very eorry for you. Won't you please take off your things?" and by its owner as a pseudonym to newsshe glanced from the dripping quilt to paper contributions. With .the consent n the hlgh. peaked hat. The old woman's chest,, of his father, Herr Sudfeld, a the pressed. ter fingers upon, Ashe Pesth eyes almost twinkled as she unfastlegally new Hebraist, second block and wished for a ened the quflt and laid It on the floor, home from supplied with every comfort In- sumed It. transforming himself but she did not take off her hat side and out, to say nothing of the South Field (Sudfeld) Into "North '"She la hungry," thought Rosalie, vine over the tront porch. Like the Meadow" (Nordau) Except when he swallowing her own hunger. "Wont first, the second block ripped Itself free Is visiting his patients, Dr. Nordau you have this roast potato? she said from the rest of the quilt and flew up spends all hi time In his study. The aloud, and drawing It out of the hot tbe chimney. Even as Rosalie refolded room is plainly furnished. A bookcase ashes, ahe broke it open, sprinkling It the quilt and put It In the chest, there is one of its conspicuous featujas with salt and banded It to the old woeemed something unusual going on Among the books are many preseifra-Uo- n man. about hey; but she went to bed without copies of Lombrosos works. With "My child, you are very good," said trylug.to aee what It wae, and strange this author and scientist Dr. Nordau the old woman, seizing the food and to say. wae at once asleep, not to keeps up a constant correspondence, gating ft eo greedily that soon nothing waken fill the eun,an hour high, looked and prides himself on being oue of the was left hut the crisped, brown shell. In through the windows of her pretty very few men In Europe who can deI am very sorry for you, said Koaa-lle,- " new home and aroused her. cipher the professors handwriting we "but have no more potatoes was awakened by the which appears to most people entirely too, Elsie, Perhaps when my father cornea home up In her bed Illegible. Leading out of this room ,is from tbe war we shall have plenty. I bright eun, and, tositting aee herself in a fine Nordau's barely furnished bed room, cradle, laughed wish he would come soon, but he la far new room. Her cradle and the chest the camp bedstead of which may he away." In which Rosalie kept the quilt were seen through the open door. A small As Rosalie said the third time, I era the only things unchanged. trapeze hanging through the doorway sorry for you," the old woman's face "Isn't It beautiful here, now?" ex- would seem to indicate that he haa grew actually lovely, It lq "1 wish father were faith In parlor gymnastics " "My dear child," ahe said, "I have claimed Rosalie. 1 am the since books In room all to to us here that this going it help enjoy been clear round the world to find some one to say to a poor, ugly, old ask the quilt to write him a letter for publication of "Degeneration" have I am sorry for you.' At last me, because I don't know Just where been written, and where he Is at preswoman: 1 hear It from n little girl, who gives be la, and tell him to come home this ent writing a novel. Literary Life. me shelter and her last mouthful of very day, if he can. She opened the chest, drew out the food. Do you know that these words, FoaUieae (or nmiyi Faes. . ' three times repeated by you, have quilt and, laying her hand on the third All women cannot go to Parle to said: block, 1 broken my wretched enchantment? consult a celebrity who has Just come "Dear quilt, won't you please write am once mors myself and you shall be to the tore with a plan to benefit comrewarded. This quilt 1 lend you. It la father a letter, and tell him he'd better plexion. It consists of making poultcome new of see home house the and la all blocks, and each block will yield ices of the Interior of fruit, and wearyou a wish. After 1 leave, touch each tone you have built for us alone." these over the face at night, says Immediately there shifted out from ing block wltk your kand, and all la as you the Philadelphia Inquirer. All fruit la block a the letter stamped edges of the r command." hut the best of all la the straw-berrgood, Speaking thus, a marvelous change and addressed to Rosalies father, while You need not use pound of block loose the fluttered the from rest was taking place la the old woman. Mme. Tallien a very little like fruit of room the sailed across the quilt and Her bent and shrivelled body was bewill suffice. You spread the fruit oa to the new fireplace, up which It disand her beautiful, coming upright a band of linen, and tie this over the peaked hat had changed to a crown of appeared. Dear!" exclaimed Roealle, picking wrinkled part of the face. Even one gold, and her coarse and ragged gown you; but If you conto s dress of filmy primrose gauze. up the letter, why didn't 1 wish It sent trial will astonish will exceed your wildresult the tinue he a to won't It for father; directly get She was now a lovely fairy. With her staff transformed toTtilgn wand toog thne if Leeud It bylhTs village est expectations. Women studded with Jewels (be touched the post, and touching the fourth block, this treatment never wash the face la she said: quite plain water, nor In cold water, quilt and said: Please, quilt, speed today, father's nor with soap. Never, either, use One, two three, letter on Its way. Bring him ere night glycerine or any fatty substance oa I bid thee to his daughters, two, a you know eo the face A little powder may comBe good well bow to do. plete the perfect drying of the facet To Roealle, Nn sooner bad she said this poor lit but It must- - be of tha very best qualAe she tie rhyme than the letter vanished and ity. Plain orris root Is the best of To me. Then with n shimmer and flash that the fourth block followed tbe others up all. However, by continually using .lighted the dull room like a burst of the chimney. She put whaf was left fruit beplasters or bandages nothing else, required to maintain the comsnnahlne, she floated toward the fire- of tbe magic quilt again Into the chest will once to get everything plexion young, and restore it to at and the began At vanished and chimney. up youth place and beauty tf damaged by sickness, thta Instant the rain ceased. Rosalie ready for her father's return. Ur no one but bad came, the cosmetics or time day - gasped with astonishment at all these During waa a heavy step phenomena, while little Elsie clapped ward nightfall there her hand with glee at the pretty upon the new front porch. Rosalie Politic aad ton Llf. watching, knew tt was her father and , transformation. Iji.ly Georgians Grey, who Jug Oh, Elsie! isn't It wonderful!" cried hurriedly opened tbe door to find him hrated her itiuth birthilay. attribute Rosalie st last "And the quilt; she standing there, hts hand covering his the wonderful of preservation fac How beautiful it Is! eyes. has left It to us. "'ties says an Encibh exchange, to "Oh, father!" she cried, "I knew you the calm whiih It la made of velvet and silk and qnllt- bhe has ed with gold? What was I to do with would come; the qtillt never falls. Why careful to practice She always bee'' considers agicover do you your eyes?" It, Elsie? To wish? Let me eee; tation the great consumer of health. Rosaoff the am "I battlefield, Just shall be What wish It away. right wjll To a young kinsman of hers who visfor? and she laid her hand upon a red lie, he said, where a shot destroyed ited her the other day she exposed 1 rest cannot tell The you silk block covered with round symbols my sight her earnest that he would not of orange velvet, that sugested gold to about, only that I am here. If I could enter upon a hope career of polities, we would never and see jg Elsie, you her.-- 1 wish,-- 1 wish-fo- r only good, money so agitating, my dear," sh ggjd, complain. to buy us each some hearty food." Why, if my poor brother hhd -- As her 'You shall see ua.'fathcr," eald Rosa- clear kept fingers pressed thw block ahe of politics 1 firmly be!Ive he felt lying snugly In the cotton wadding lie, taking his hand and leading him would have been alive today" The several coins. In a moment she had across the room to the chest "Feel brother referred to was the fhmon. seised the scissors to rip the block this, father. It is all that la left of the bird Earl Grey, who waa !onjrrom-ineopen, when out there rolled from It n quilt Now I ehall wish that you get member of Whig cabinets. dozen gold pieces, while the block it- back your sight." and she pressed her He was 2 when he died self became detached from the rest of hand upon the fifth block. It bad from a In flew twinkling the separated and chimney. the quilt np Elsie laughed and clapped her hands the last block and whirled np the Tha "What a lot of again nt this queer sight, and Rosalie, chimney, and Rosalie's father's eight hire. Knolly has In her her face flushed with gathered had been perfectly restored, parlor! Te. - np tbs coins and trieddelight, cried. Is "1 this?" be count "What Looks their magic ts exactly as though she Big to hav, an value. This was impossible, for She can see at well as ever! auction. $0 It la the precious quilt, as I told teen so much money before, er Pcnmi as a Nerve and Catarrh Tonic the Tali Rosalie took it from hint. "I wUh for nothing more, now that you are home, but that we shall live long and be happy This was enough' The block fluttered from his fingers, drifted serosa the room, up the chimney leaving the gift of long life snd happiness In the prettv home on the edge of the wood. Detroit Free Press BY MARY CAROLINE HYDE In little bouse on the edge of a wood there lived Rosalie and her baby teter Elsie. Tbe haute built of ' ried." JUVENILE STORY SEHflIua'S LETTER. Ptiffs under the eyes; red nose; greasy face don't mean hard drinking always as much as it shows that there is BILE IN THE BLOOD, It is true, drink- g overloadthe stomach, fng and but failure to assist nature in regularly disposing of the partially digested lumps of food that are dumped into the bowels and allowed to rot there, is what causes all the trouble. CASCARETS will help nature help you, and will keep the system from filling with poisons, will clean out the sores that tdl of the systems rottenness. Bloated by bile the figure becomes unshapely, the breath foul, eyes and skin yellow; in fact the whole body kind of fills up with filth. Every time you neglect to help nature you lay the foun such troubles. CASCARETS will carry the poisons out of the system and will regulate tablet-k- eep you naturally and easily and without gripe or pain. Start it up for A week and help the liver dean up the bowels, and you will feel blood will be rich, your right, face look clean, eyes bright. Get a 10c box of CASCARETS, take as directed. If you are not cured r satisfied you get your money back. Bile bloat is quickly and permanently pimple-blotche- d, over-eatin- GU FIELD EftT nt bric-a-br- nz utr .. 10c ALL A 25c. 50c. . . DRUGGISTS from bowti troubla snd too poor to boy CASCARETS we will send a box fret. aod paper. Stifling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York, To MT omeiy mortal offering meatloolng-advcribq&c- Addrm 880 |