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Show Dlitrlct Court. line term ol the Dlitzlct Court cv '.It Usat.j'M.nl.fvIt '- Tiliv IhecMinch, l'art of tbe day was taken up In examining wltneiiee. The flrat case to be tried wae that of the StaU ti. J. W. Neel, The eaae was continued for the tern, becaute tbe attorneys at-torneys fcr the defense were not ready. Other caaet weredlipoied of ai fol lown l'ark City vs. J. W. Mclntjrei dismissed. dis-missed. Kittle of Jamea Qulnn ; order of eale ot real eitate granted. Martin 0. Johnson vt. John Ifopkln, et al, ; order that receiver be dttcbargtd and caie dismissed. Louisa J. Ihllllpt vt. Ann ClulT, passed. U. 1'. R. R. vi. It. A. Jones; pined. D. A.Bmylbevi.U. P. It. D. tub-mttted tub-mttted to court on briefs. l'ark City vi. W.W. Cluff. Jr; dlt-mined, dlt-mined, Edwin Colts vi U. 1 R. R; continued continu-ed for term, Margaret Linden w. Aucbor Mining I Co; continued. Daly West Mining company ; tame order Florenco N. Wllllami vt. John H. William! , continued. The following named penoni were admitted to citizenship; tellx Trainer, JohnMcGivern.TlmoIhy B. Donovan, David 0. Hogan, I'atrlck Keenan and Wm. Kenney, all natlvct ol Ireland, and Laudre Iiaacion, a native of Denmark. Den-mark. Court adjourned without day. |