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Show unAis trtKKii Graes Crsek, June 0, ltOO. Editor Tiutat The aqulrrelt are having thtlr freedom free-dom now. Jacob Janea and eon, Royal, lilt for Catb valley on 1'rlday last. Eldert Thomaa Copley and C. R Jonee were bunday school mliilonarlei here last Sabbath and vitittd tbe school and gave tonio good advice. Come again. An Ice cream party wat given by Grandpa Arnold on Monday evening, I and a good portion ol our eltlient were preient. The Mines Eliza J. and Birth Barber .Lizzie Walker and Clara Wilde made a j flying trip to Coalville Sunday evenUf j to attend conjoint Billion ot the Y. M, I and Y. L. M, I. anoclatloni held lu the I Tabernacle, returning on Monday. Wm. II. Wlldo, eon ol Wm. 8, WlWe, while out on a picnic up Echo canyon lait Monday along with some other boyi, met with an accident by being ihot through tbe lilt foot with a 22-15 while catching tqulrreli. J. B. |