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Show HO TIMES. COALVILLE OOlLmLX. FRIDAY, J , 1900. C. B. JONE8 Editor and Boainee Manager. t W at O, Hatajaa la OaataMa, VtaM, Twt .... A 60 Days Clearance Sale of Ladles n t MhiM ... !Vm Mouth. Copier n Loco) Botlm, 1 ecob per Une tor t mt BBT Tbs. nM 111 lor ln Insr pf Him tch tubeeqaeat tnaer-I- and Gents Fine Footwear, Positively at Half Cost. . AdttrMaliic Ratos Baa, late Ha, r. of Subscription Tmn Pafakta h tiraata. Ciect Big Sale Commencing Jnne 11. The material in these Goods is the Beat; the atyle of toes not being the latest, is the reason we make the sacrifice. In this sale we offer a lot ot FINE SHOES for children, and CHILDRENS SCHOOL SHOES at such rare bargains that those who miss will regret. $2.50 and S3. 25 One Lot Ladies Fine Shoes, b ttrletlr adhere la One Lot Childrens Fine Shoes, TATE NEWS. to SIM go , - - - at $1.25 o pair. at 75 cts a pair. MB, tSL'SLv. SIiH Linen and Dock Dress Skirts from 75 cts. qp. Dress Patterns in Peca and Morv celles. No two alike. M. R. Salmon. Si Easier Openings and HeayyJShoes go at SIM a pair. Lot Ladies' Fine and Heavy Shoes go at SI. 00 a pair. One Lot Men's Fine Tb L. D. S. College at Balt Lakt will rack a saw baildiof thl year. ' Laat Friday waa Brigham Young birthday, and a big celebration waa hald One iaSaltLaka. Tba Balt Palace waa opened at Balt Lake Monday, and about 4,000 people teak in the algbta. John Hardcaatla, aa old pioneer of Bandy, died at that place laat Saterday of heart diaeaae. The Blaghaaa Bolletla waa nine year eld ea the Brat. The Balletia la a Bee paper, and la a credit to the Bute. We wiah It ooccoaa for another year. The Meat noth Keaerroir company the largeet Irrigation tnnael la Utah and probably la the whale arid long region. It wiU be oyer two mil and work apea it will he eeaaaaeaeed at once. will bnild are those superlatively beautiful ! i t( d! t( affairs that we all love so well. ei To every Baby born this year (1900) we will give a PAIR SHOES made to order, without any cost, Just simple Cotton Stuffs with d! 1 to be made from the Genuine Vici Kid. Call at wonderful patterns in Lace, Emour Store and leave name of baby ud size ot M d! Tucks s OP line of SHOE DRESSING for both Ladies and Gent's Leather and Vici Kid Shoes. l'e have on sale a good Seme of the good people of Balt Lake are petitioning President Snow to atop the Bale el liquor at Baltair. The Preel-dan- tia at the opinion that the eele of Mother wh would kwp their childliquor eheald be atopped at all the ether ren in good health ihould watch far the reaorta Brat. firtt tymptom of worm and remove The Balt Lake Herald Celebrated iU them with WHITES CREAM VEBMI-FUG- E. Prioe 25 cent t Jehu Boyden 80th birthday on Job a Sth, Laat Ban-da- y A Bon. lean oenUlned a fact imile ol the t The Union Peoific will run aa excurBrat page el the Brat number, and the ahewa a great improve- sion te Ogden and Balt Lake on SaturHarold pi y ment. The Herald la all nght, with day; June 16th, ticket good returning Jan 19th.- - The ratal for round trip bright proa pacta ahead. from Coelrille will be fl.00 to Ogdea John Jeqoee, aaataUnt Church Hla-teriand (8.00 te Balt Lake. From Echo 60 died at hi heme in Salt Lake aad cent aad (1.90 and Park City laat Friday el Brighta diaeaae, after an (3. IS. illneaa ot aeraa week. He waa bmried Sunday. Mr.Jaquee waaauaafnl man CASH BARGAIN STORE, Coalville, Utah. Q O A. and Plads. But broidery, d? such words seem clumsy to tell of d the pretty things that have been d done to them, z z d' d' di z dfo J. Our Capes Always On Hand at the 1 and Wraps to-da- aa, I1-2- thefamona hymn, O, Bay What la Truth. "The judgaaeut and aentaace el the dlatrict court la affinnad. and the canoe remanded to aald court with directlana to execute the Judgment and aenteaee iaaceordanae with law." The above werda formed the concluding aontenoe la a deciaioc daUrered by the aupreme oourt Monday la the cnee el young Abo Major, aliaa Jamea Morgan, now under aantenee el death for the killing el Felice Gap tala Wm. Brown, .near the Bet Springe, Ogden, Sunday afternoon, April 80th, 1899. Kew. A Dearer diapatch te the Bowa gave the readora of thia paper the information that 0. X, Waatland, lead agent for the Union FaeiBo.haa gene eaatto meet the Beer enyoya, and to endeavor te Indore them to buy Union PaoiSo laade for their people, that thee may aettle la Ire Colorado. Thoae who know the mating Mr. Waatland end there are a boat La Utah who have enjoyed hi acquaintance aa a member of the Balt Luka City council, a huatler el tad a claret and -- homt Jndiitric, buataeea m will not doubt popular that the enyoya will aee a brighter picture than ever South Africa preaaated, when they view.th that Mr. Waatland la aura te diaplay. Ha ha great faith in the bright future of the Beeky Mountain region, and doe not tall to impreaa people with that aae h me. oeoUd totU. om.hI U. NwIleaomee teaat MMMiMetMuiuawliM " with tomrip. We eletea, U aewtehle at eat, tree at Mure. Oaf lee eat eee till patent le eecere. How M Obuia Fata, a el Mae le the U. a. aa feralca we Wewewtcy, teal Aee. AUtam, See. o.A.orJnw&GO KtW 9 et(dO V r A -- 60 YEARS EXPERIENCE - iii. D Weber Coal Co We have car of in a just shipped A Tfuoc Mahk i A Shingles a tkttolkmd WMUMwf uJi? nwMailnaiH Stitctiflc Jicirku UmtoenrtT Btmwfit UbBo of m? NMBUlf In4 IatvbM 8 -- TO W r an veral day on account of being troubled UTAH NOTICE. Lumber and Lath, deiiei, urns cm, ST. LOUIS, OliHl, Principal AT THE COALVILLE, miri THE ONLY DIRECT LINE. MERCHANDISE A And a car of Ym Get Your CASH BARGAIN ST0RG 1 liWMlwew j Our PRICES Will Please You patbohize noun industry - ee. ' W.J. WRIGHT. erne .a owmit Ova Direct from the Mills. We quoto Few. Mr. W. 8. Whedoa, Caahier el the Piret National Bank af Wloteraet, la., la a recent letter giro eom experience with a carpenter la hi employ, that will be ot value toother michinioe. He toy: "I had a carpenter working for me who waa obliged to atop work for Eastern Points. 8 Slat 8---- BU ceflar SiiWes ai We are Stocking up daily with NEW GOODS, at Prices that will m make you happy THE- QUICKEST TIMS BT NAVY HOUM. Come and -- Union Paoiflc Trains UI PA LACKS OS see us. WIML8. New and Modem equipment. with diarrhoea. I mentioned to him Doable Dreerlo Room Peleee Bleeper. that X hud beta eimllarly troubled tad Buet (mokin aad Llbrerr oeie Flee EeeUnln chair oeie that Chamberlain Colic, Cholera aad een Ordlaary IlHpUf Diarrhoea Remedy had cured me. He Dteteg can, meeka-Uoartbought a battle ol it frenk the druggist For Tim Tables, Folder, Illustrated of the bre and Informed me that one doee Books, Pamphlets, deecriptive eall ou him, and be le again at hi work." territoryC,traveraed, I. WHEADON, Agent. Foe eale by John Boyfen A Boa, . , Coalville, Utah, crd 1.60 ftiovOf M Om. eet word-paintin- g fact. $2.25 Lump, are dreams of loveliness to? and must be seen to be z z appreciated. Coalville' Coop CASH STORE, Hoytsville, Ut C. H. Wtti. Pron. |