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Show a H 80MBTHINO VAB WnONO. H Vfliy th Cnlmi tlUJfM.d t Ike H I.-.I. nr III (V.tT.. H It wag plain that tha man at tht H corner table In the ruiaurpnt had In- H dulged In aeveml appctlterK. lln ban- jE died hla ulcnalla unatoaillly and made ffl n lavlih li ao of tho condiments, tlppod Hn over the catsup nnd a.nilered toup Bill freely on his plo Yet be bothered no & one, so no audible objection wat made. B Suddenly, after Liking n couple ot tlpa GD of his coffee, he mado a grotctquely B wry face that waa In accord wlrti hit M rye breath, nnd blatted out. 'That th H dltvlc Is th' matter wld thla coffee?" H A waltreM quickly reached bit elbow jn and Inquired tollclloualy aa to the cauae of hla criticism of tho roftee. jH "Whoy," Im Mid. "thot ahtufT taatts M lolke It wor mixed wld vinegar ur mob- 9H be eprayed wld p.irls green." "Did you ! aweetcn ll" coyly aiVrd tho waltrert HI "Phwero did 01 git HT Whoy, out Iv . Mb thot Liyspooua Ir ahugir In ot, an I, 3E wow, phwat a taata It liovl" "Where Rj did you get tho aiigart" Inquired the BE fair )oung waitress, trying hard to ru-ptcea ru-ptcea n smite, as her eusplclons began fo tako form. "P'hwere did 01 git ItT Whoy, out Iv thot ahugar bowl, It coiirae Phwero wild 01 Like thugar frum out It a aalt collar'" 8ht rn-treated rn-treated a safe distance before aha explained ex-plained mailer. "That bowl," nald elie, "contains horae idlahl" "It luka more lolk nice crama," said tho vlo-tlm, vlo-tlm, at he meekly paid hit bill and went out for n br.itr. ICx. |