Show l MASTER ASTER PRINTERS OF WORLD UNITE GOTHENBURG Swed Sweden July 1 By By The Associated Pre Pros Pro's s The establishment of ot an International Bonal bureau of master printer printers In Seden is one of or the results of o the orld orld congress of master 1 has just ended In n Gott-em- Gott Gothenburg burg burg This meeting ot of o expert printers as as attended by one hundred and an fifty delegates from Crom eighteen o tries oin n- n trios tries Including the States France Germany Italy tIdy Spain Sweden eden Denmark end ond Nor Nor- Nora NoraY Nor Nor-i a ay It was as as set forth that a central bureau was as as needed In to collect and distribute regarding Industrial disputes and settlement means of corn unemployment new methods method of eo cost t accounting dc development nt of of paper presses etc dc the establishment ct or Unit prices and similar topics of etal interest to the trade rhe rheme me passed a resolution that the SI Swedish Association of or Master Printers be bo Invited to B sch a central bureau and tho the lla inita- Invitation tion was accepted English A bulletin s ill III be Issue In Eng Eng Eng- lish French and German and the financial support of 01 the central u tu tureau tu reau will Ill come from tho various national bodies bodle of printers ho ho themselves of Its serc ice |