Show IS AFTER DEMPSEY F FIGHT I Senegalese Confident of Taking Present Title Title- Titleholder Titleholder Title holder holder to Defeat n 13 T GORDON GORDO Copyright 1923 1 by The Standard Standard- Standard Examiner C rAUIS Jul July 21 French French boxing experts ha huc come around to tle c e that Battling Siki Is a o l proposition as os a prize tighter ard as s such Is entitled to I a m wih Ih Jack Dempsey Dempy for tor the havy right lp Siki until his Ills last kiSt match when I he hc 1 1 I no ed Marcel Mareet Nilles cold In Inthe the tho I 1 round was regarded ath i th of the th prize ring de- de despite despite de despite spite 11 tl 6 C lit that he be tool took Carpen- Carpen Carpentier tiem Carpen-tiem tier ller light heavyweight eight title away from from 1111 l il 1 MIth case ease But fama 1 was too loo much for tor The IThe Fhe Black cat of the He lIe proceeded to mike e 3 I objectionable In narI 1 e A cry A P cafe r In In Paris T and be- be h us there br lire are ar a lot of caf j jIn In this ilie c from the Mont Marlo to the left bank tried to da many oth others rs before bore him hate hae atten that terl that is reduce the ils blo IS Is- Is s of liquor in the Frenn capitol b l b-l t theres there's just as much rn Ca lap tap today as e er c r It Vi long before retribution set in The Black Blae Cat had as many lawsuits ann eno as there ther are arc mos mos- mosqUItoes mos on a hot summers summer's night nith 1 Ith h the Nilles match behind him he straightened up In fact this tight fight seems scorns to hale bait ha ed hl hit his debut as ns a serious os fighter H 11 l is too early farly to say w tho Jungle Child has real real- really really real really ly c ron up tip but it docs dots look loo as though I Ins 1 ns had cc ceased ed to be n a sport him and was 11 now a ODD SYSTEM The thIn that fighting is 18 I the manner In ch tights fights Instead of fight fight- Int like a dog he fights like liko t cat cal hence tho ho new Dew nickname some Par Par- ParIsians Par Parisians Lae hale hung on him Le Chat Noire or the tho Black Cat It If you hoL ft ever seen II ft a cut CRt and ond dog doe fight you cm can understand u hIs h tactics A Ado dog and jumps about bark bar barIn bark In In lap and rushing and end making lots lotsof lotsof of roi-o roi and fuss firs The Th cat crouches end and waits walts out right rl ht or loft left wipe swipe when the or or comes too close but not nUll unless ss the chance chanc LO io LOathe athe attick for or good and finish comes So with In th tho Iho scrap Nilles Niiles a 0 big brown powerful pOJ man never had bad a chanco He led the tho attack to 11 ho sure as a bulldog would He Heru ru bl d c on to the tho Senegalese but except for fora tora 0 a tap on the th no-K no that started ln n imperceptible perceptible trickle tf on could land nowhere On th other olber hand bo he ra rarely ly cot got awaY from a II to Siki a quick hook to the right cf f th tho tha head Meantime NIlIs camo came a 0 sloe anil anit it was fatal tatal A black 1 shot out to the bodY bod there thero wo was a one two to the chin and Mr ss through TO ro FIGhT I In 1 aI t-li t hl his fights SIM Siki has given n the that he ho cares moe mo-e fOl fo th the tha light fight than for the victory He Ha S seems fc to enjoy every minute o othe othe the time in the ring and If it h he clearly cle outclasses his adversary toS ns was the case cose when he h fought Mo- Mo Mo-eHo Mo ullo to t Hal r l months ago In Paris the lilt tig black Is apt to get set pla- pla play playful ful rut This must be a II negro trait for Jack Jacle used to In a 0 lot c ct ef f tom foolery In the ring v h n he lad had easi sailing with on an opponent Foi Fot a II long lone time the French bOIC box box log opert felt t lt that the black c cat t lacked the tho kao liao wallop But now they thoy telle lelICe 0 that the Senegalese Sene ales had curb a good cooil time while in the ring that he be h wasted a a lot of time playing with his opponents when his superiority was vas such that tie be could dispose of ot them In short or-dor or dot dor with willI a knockout punch So the little flame flamo of sentiment tor br a a match motch with Ith Dempsey has h s been heen set Watch Wati-h It grow trow |