Show 19 9 liP 9 9 9 0 0 0 91 Gold Diggers Figure In Swindle Case P S STO STO TO JOIN AND TORIES TORI i iI Brookhart I Says Next Con Con- ConI Congress I gress Will S See e Align Align- Alignment Alignment Alignment I I ment Take Place RAILROADS FLAYED I Farmers and Laborers I Have Mutual Interests He Asserts I CHICAGO July hy 21 21 By By The Tho Associated Tho Press Press Tho progressive element clement In tn congress welcomes the tho attributed to Senator Moses of ot New Nev Hampshire In Wash Wash- WashIngton Washington ington yesterday calling for fox co- co op of o the tho h of I both par th t-th ha m of radicalism and will am win In when the point comes to I issue ls sue ue at the be- be beginning beginning be beginning ginning of or the next net congress Sen- Sen Senator Senator Sen Senator ator Smith h i W S of Iowa said today The Lincoln Republicans and I beI the Jefferson Democrats will be prepared for a uniting of o the Tory Republicans and the bourbon Dem Dem- Democrats Dein- Dein Democrats when the next net congress bS con con- con convenes v venes venas s Mr who pass pass- passed passed passed ed through Chicago on his way ay ay to his hl home In Washington 10 1 Io a said ORG OnG J Commenting on the tho statement of Senator Moses who Is chairman of oC he Republican senatorial cam cam- camI campaign campaign committee Mr Brookhart I said that the tho progressives ero ero pretty well orga organized now nos and I that they welcomed the which recognized them to the extent of calling for tor a com corn comI combination I or of o conservatives of both bolli parties In order to lect meet them The situation would come cometo cometo cometo to issue at the beginning beginning- of ot the next congress he said in the test or of and the Lincoln lie te- Re Republicans publicans and Jeff Jefferson Demo Demo- Democrats Democrats I teI a as he the pro pro- pro progressives In la the two to h 0 parties I ouid uld win he lIe said Mr Brookhart denied thit the inclination toward the tho pro pro- pro I e tendencies in politics was temporary or that it was as as confined to the tile farmers of ot the w west st or the middle west Wc Jt I r I ras was as as In Senator Moses state last Monday and I found the same condition thero among the farmers as B exists In the middle west cst Senator sad The farmers now the alt alt- sit situation e that th they y never It hae 0 A i fair price for their pro pro- products products pro products ducts and und that a largo large number of oC them aro are faced with Mr Ir Brookhart asserted I 1 CO Es ENEMY E LIlY l 1 J J he interests of ot the tho farmer and the laborer arc aro mutual he said j The rho laborer is the principal cus- cus customer customer cus customer tomer of tho the farmer and the farm farm- farmer farmer er or is the principal customer of the tho laborer the he middle profiteers are the common enemies of both Two thirds of the bank depos depos- deposIts deposits its are aro from the farmers and the laboring people The federal re- re reserve re reserve serve bunk bank Is built on o-n these depos depos- deposIts deposits its Un Until recently neither the farmer nor the tho laborer bad had a oleo In the federal reserve board and now the tho farmers have ono one representative There Thero ought to be three farmers and two laborers on thIs board and on this proposition the farmers and and the laborers are aro unit unit- united united ed 01 ley cne c e cooperative ath e banking Is la the basis of the success or of o all alt co operative enter enter- enterprises I They need co co e and they have suffIcient credit funds o 0 their own If It they lire or- or ort or organized In a operative co-operative system t their 1 heir problems are arc too stand long longstandIng longstanding ing lug too far reaching and too loo Im- Im ImI important Im Important I to bo ho considered temporary temporary ary amy sTOCK WATERED W CHARGE Another nother point on which tho he farmers and laborers are aro united Senator Brookhart said is that ot or orth ottha th the squeezing the water ater out of tho raIl reads ads f The Tho interstate commerce comme com com- commission com ml mission slon placed a valuation of or 19 19 on the tho roads but the market value of the tho stocks and bonds at alt all times limes has hn been ben less leu than S he said ald the farmers and laborers are aro united on squeezing out this water Senator Brookhart added that both also are arc willing to pay ay a bonus to the tb soldiers ot of o the world orld war and to get gel the profiteer to pay the bill |