Show WOMEN ASK U S FOR EQUAL RIGHTS FALLS PALLS N Y T July 21 rhe The National Womans Woman's party In conference here hero today adopted a vote a reso reso- lution lutton resolution urging congress to enact In December an amendment to the constitution ot of the United States gl glIns Ins women complete WILh men throughout the United and Its territories The proposed amendment as pro pre to the Womans Woman's party dele dele- delegates delegates gates by Miss Alice Mice Paul Ice ilce president of ot the party read Men and women shall shah hove have hav equal rights throughout the United States lates and every subject to Its jurisdiction In that simple wording Hording Hiss Paul declared rest rest- rested rest rested ed cit the tho hope o of the Amerlean woman to gain her hor fight tight for equal equal- ity equality a reasonable time In presenting her resolution ss Is Paul suggested that the th amendment If It enacted be bo called he he Lucretia Mott Molt In memory of ot that pioneer of ot equal 10 who a like plea for forthe the women at the first national rights meeting In Seneca rails 76 75 I ag ago |