Show I Twin Higgins Gets a Bid to Hook HookUp HookUp HookUp Up With Ku Ku White I But Decides to Keep His Ten Spot I T Bv fly S S M X Author ot of Low Bridge and ond Other Stories Mories Copyright 1923 N T Y I Tribune Inc A hobo bobo flicks flick In on me the tho other hands me the hoarse hoars shush shuh then springs thIs thi I I er think any of o Joining the Ku KJ Ku Klan Man Can you YOI put me mc In I conies comes bac like eager M il M 1 he be says ays he You is white gentle and Protestant aint you Im I'm crazy eraZ to get Into the Klan I ans answers ers giving his question the th now nov end ond sleet Its Hs lute like this I goes on confidential They I 1 ll a bimbo living In the next house that thatIs thiis Is cuckoo on this radio hop and anches h hes he's s 's rushing ever ver ver here hero every ella mm- to t tell me some tome new dump hes hea snagged 1 the air That boys boy's got me silO dippy and I anna wanna get rid of him It If I join you babies babits can canI canI carI I get ret a lunch of white out here tonic sonic meM to bust into his hi house crash th the e radio la out dress dres this lad Ild up in tar and feathers an and I give hint him an hour to I leave lease e a the tho theton ton to ton n We dont don't do nothing lik like lIe them things says lys the Ku Ku 1111 DRI ING our OUI PI PESTS PI-ATS TS You roti de dc nt I bac back comes sur- sur surprIsed surprised sur surprised I kinda Inda had a Idea it was your business to drive e posits pets the nl You Is i Hong vi rone he tell te tells me The The r Ku Kr n Kl-n clui dont don't do nothing nothing- that thatis thatIs q is l t the law lan We Is for Cor the and the flag flae and the Courts nail and such II V 1 liy the Jesse Jcsse James rIg out rig then I asks ass Why hy the bed bed- bedSpreads bed Spreads and the th face cheaters You will wilt find out says he If itou iou ou JOIns o ns us uc For 1 lion how 0 much I Inquires Len 1 en ish sh says he A A mere And n what I wants to know I In do I get gel for tor that that I II Ial I i t I got now VII sas he we gIves cives you youa youa I a uniform and er-er- er er-er er TIme TIle er-er er r I cuts In mat ma be Is worth north orth the dough douch but what'll it iset set mu bick it if I provides my own m I can go co south with a sheet without the old lady getting I hep I just ut gotta otta get that radio bug You I Is off on your wrong feet ny tIme tile Ku Ku You cotia gotta s get the uniform from rom us All rights right I ares agrees for the sake sako of getting a ar argument Well say f that cotta costs co lb two bucks buchs Where does docs I the I seat icat It of the eight smackers go I pet let u It Ittle something he ad admits ad- ad admits I mits then they I is the tho Kloo lo of this district l and the Grand Wizard I down In Atlanta and the the- the I I dont don't object to the lads get get- line eel hag their cuts I interrupts but bu what I is Iq they In it tor for Sweeney It If I eels 1 sick hick does docs the Klan KIln kick kickin In with nith benefits Do I get a snappy napp funeral with a 0 band and the such it If I blows the Do- Do We dort do nothing like lik that says the Ku Ku JOlt 10 It LONE T TEN TEV SPOT slOT Its Its It's like this tills aint it I r lor I 1 or ten iron men I r gets ets the r of wearIng a 0 bed sheet j lcd and ing being friendly with Ith the flag and the tho Constitution and ond the courts In other words I r pays pay to be a 1 goo good citizen and for the chances of 1 getting In iii had with an ani Catholic or l Je h friends I maybe got cot Im I'm l strong for tor the law lawr now so all allI allI allI I I draws for tor my ten spot is Iq the 01 op opportunities for tor getting Into rows With nth mY mr rl ou aint jerry to the big bigilIa lira ilIa he replies We gotta keep i America foi tOI the Americans Is v lio 1 O e I asks I Tim gentle E white hitI Protestants he comes come tack tak Seems like to me I r remarks that I reAd rend some come place that Col- Col Col a Catholic and that he got th the jack for discovering Arner- Arner ico Amer-ico ice from Crom some Jews Looks Look to ours oura truthfully like the country belonGs to any ony lads that behave ves Besides the th which IC I i- i I gotta be by bim him bimbo bimbos bo bos in be bed sheets and masks and cant can't bo br sated fa out in the open It worth werth sating saIng sa Ing I You dont don't understand says ays the Ku Ku Iu The The gentle whit white while Prot Prot- Prot if te in the maJorIty majority and the majority majority- If It J lou ou is in the majority I cuts what whal Is you got cot to hide hid your mugs for to- What What is you afraid of of many to lIel lick a a guy cuy that t ale ain t a 0 Ku KuK I K I e we C aint afraid he ha mumbles mumble You must M be b I shoots back backI I You don I t I do nothing that Is 1 against the tho law does you I o o lie he h answer answers Then they is 1 i only one answer I to the masked ball hop I tells tell him Youre scared some bimbo I I will ivil crown YOU ou Its It's either that or o vou J U is amed amed of o being a 0 white Protestant and strong strone stron for the th lag flag and the res rest You cotta otta join join sayS cay he lie to find Iud out Nix no not ne never neter er t r I Inter Inter- Interrupts Interrupts I ala oln aint t passing out no ten spots without knowing what I Is Isto isto i to get tor for it and I dont don't have hav to ti dr ss up like lIle no Robbing Hood to behave myself Besides and which I I aint no some on that gets a 11 I kick lek parading around the streets In rags ra-es and oud going in for tor the tho thi J loutta bunk myself stuff I got cot dry be- be behind behind behind hind the ears cars a long lone time ago affo As Asa A a matter of the facts aint this thi whole Ku Ku sketch just a razzle- razzle to make mae the suckers sudeen think thin they Is Important because they Is 16 Islet 1 let In on a 11 a secret the secret being I guess what happens to the ten tei smackers the tho boys bos bo s Is ls pried loose from 2 you give me i a aIdea aidea I idea that the lad asks isles WHO'LL S SlY SY Y NO Well I r they they Is a lotta lotte other guys around here her that thatIs thatis Is sore core on this radio hound Irr Im gonna onna get eight or ten of em cm to t lie zig out In sheets sheeL and then we wo Is 1 going coins to go eo to that bimbos bimbo's house an and elvo gite gh e him minutes to breeze town Well We'll tell him we w Is l the Ku Ku Klan and and- and But you aint he h cuts cute In the Sift I wants to t know If It we dresses the part pan how can anybody tell That's the tho big bit trouble with your whole layout Even If your outfit Is organized ort d on 01 the tho square and Im I'm willing If you yol wants to admit It Is how can c n you keep any gang cane of ot hoodlums from fron dolling dolline up In masks and running an ant cuckoo ragged just by saying they Is Ku ICu If It folks folk knew ho you was the roughnecks couldn't get away way with the stuff What's to prevent me from signing a note Grand and nd order order- orderIng order order-Ine Ing this thi or that done I wouldn't be tall a-tall surprised it if a a lot of ot them ling tricks pulled oft ott in the South wu wah w idon done by jail-birds jail that didn't hT have nothing to do with the th Klan lOan but just said ld they was members How can ou ever stop It lt It if you dont don't don do t como coma clean out in the th open 7 I dont don't know admits the th Xu Ku KuKu KuKu Ku Iu but I got a 0 Idea they la s gonna ronn onna shed hed the masks pretty soon oon The Th better tho the sooner I tells him end nd the th bird beats It without without without my ten I r mean DIZZY I FUTURE I has seen cen II- II a lotto lotts societies and lodges and them things formed In ln InThy my Thy time and I has noticed a cinch to get et guys ruy to join provid- provid jag you drag enough grips trip and passwords and nd a lotta the th deep shush hu h Into the tha th proceedings but but the trouble starts when you comes around to tD collect the th second I time Walt Wait till tIme tile Ku Ku Klan call calls on the boys bo s for another ten at the end of the year then watch em drop off oft like red leaves leavea in a wind My lily Ideas is that the th layout the hIgh moguls of which Is already squabbling over the take in at te the I gate will either bust up flat In a years ears or turn into a 0 regular ular fraternal society with sic sick benefits and the like It maybe ma be even esen will willbe willbe willbe be a political party tor for a 0 few min mm- minutes min utes but its it's a cinch that a 0 gang that aint got cot gump ump enough to look you ou in the e eye eve e and tell you ou right to your face what hat they is and what I they it for aint got cot no chance chanca to I last lung long in this country I Just the same ame they be beI some way of ot getting rid ot of f th them m I radio bugs hues and you could hardly blame the Ku Ku Klan If it they was to to run one of em cm town rIght at the exciting part of the bedtime tale talc r |