Show COUNTY COMMUNITIES Will WillI I CELEBRATE PIONEER DAY Huntsville Plans Extensive Program North Ogden 1 Plain lain City and Other Towns Prepare for for- Observance for Observance I A shooting tournament under the direction of ot Gus Gua L 1 D Becker Becker us- us us sl ted by John M Browning the gut gu inventor Will nill 11 be bo a 0 feature ot of Pioneer day celebration at Hunts Huntsville vine ville llIe R n Lynn will be the orator The program follows Pioneer parade 9 30 I Im a m Patriotic program 10 30 30 a m as toll follows ow Music by tho the llo band Congregational singing ring ring-in Utah We Lovo Love Thee Invocation Chaplain Nile Nil Lot Lof- Lofgren gren gren Remarks Chairman Jensen Vocal solo Moiselle n Address ot of o Welcome Emma Im Tracy Instrumental selection Olene Folk dances dancs In to costume by dif dif- different dif different ferent nationalities In fn Utah Oration Orl Richard R Liman I J mn Steel guitar solo Olene R Rte I Vocal solo Irlo The Schades The Chaplain Banquet at 12 13 30 p m In Relief Society hall At 2 30 o'clock shooting tournament tournament ment under direction of ot G I 1 Becker assisted by John SI I 1 Brown Brown- Browning Ing ine ineAt At 3 9 30 o'clock musical meetinghouse house lawn as follows follos Male quartet Direction of ot Ira Louder Vocal solo polo Douglas Brian Violin Violin solo Verlin Reading Minnie Ioor Brown n oral ocal solo Myra lyra Wright Duet Duct Mr and Mrs Dougas Douglas Brian Ballet dance Bertha Vocal solo olo Marjorie Ferrel solo Edris ten ten- v sen Vocal solo Golden Bingham t I 8 pm p m a grand pioneer ball will be held All living e In th the I are are Invited to participate n I I celebration AT NORTH OGDEN Stuart P Dobbs ft will deliver the principal oration oraton at the cel celebration to be held at North Ogden on July L ent n 24 according to an imade made Saturday forenoon by K R W Berrett chairman of ot tho the committee I In charge of ot the activities of ot will vill consist The Thc program community In- In Instrumental instrumental I IThe sp speaking and aud vocal ocal ocal music muno end and sports and ond will conclude with a dance In tho the The program will be as os follow s sat sat at the North Ogden meeting house ISele Selection Uon orth Dorth Ogden den bad ba II 1 solo Bolo Ralph A Hansen prayer CIde Cl dc S Campbell banjos banjo I anI tion ori duet to tion Stuart V 1 Dobbs Derby rending reading Mary Woolley e violin solo el don el-don A Hanson Hanion special yand Pw-yand don Taggart faggart banjo due duct and Greenwell pra prayer er William 31 1 selection North n n bond band During the afternoon will III willbe the be games and sports far tor people and also games for forthe forthe forthe the adults There will be a base hace- baseball ball gam gamy gamo between the rise File Po team and the orth Ogden tetra 1 m mand and a wrestling match en Scott Wallace and Myron Can Cnn p- p bell The program Will conclude with ith the dance AT rJ L CITY Plain City will celebrate Pioneer day with a n program and sports potts The celebration will commence ce at 10 30 a a a m when tho the 1110 Ing program Kill Ill be bo given Come Come Ye Saints by a ladles ladies quartet under the dIrection of Nell Draney Droney prayer II H J Jar Jar- Jarner ar- ar arner ner ar-ner ner piano solo Hodson instrumental trio Mrs E Christ ChrisAn- ChrisAn son n- n son and compan company r re reading Vies Gwen Jenkins solo francis Maw Instrumental solo Theodore solo Leona ona Robson A big feature of ot the sports sport pro pro- pro program I gram will be he a baseball game be- be be between tween II the Plain City and B owning o teams |