Show LORD WINS OVER I 1 THEATREGOERS OF LONDON TO By nr Nr NEA Service Walter LONDON July Not 21 21 Not Not long ago some of us Americans saw the tho most thrillIng theatrical first night In to our ender lives It was the kind of thing you ou often read about in novels but seldom se see For really and truly an audience rose In Its beats and beat its hands and wore out Its combined voice In tribute to toan toan toan an actress who captured Its Imag imag- imagination Imagination and Its heart beart by a superb piece of o acting The heroine ot or this little story is Pauline Lord who created the tho part of Anna Christie in New Yort and came over here with the ong-In-il ong In-I In company Everybody In the tho outfit was nervous because they hl has heard things about London au- au audiences audiences au audiences First a n London Jondon auld differs vastly from aji an American one Whenn When n 11 British com company pan presenting a British play appears rs in America we give it more than the benefit of ot t i I vt Ut tI the doubt Wo We ar are apt to think because it has come from the Brit Brit- British lai Is ish metropolis that it must be the tho thereal thereal real nal goods and we start out with a judice in its favor Not so a London A company and a play from our side of the literally have to tak them U by storm storm Well Vell Pauline Lord and her as associates did exactly that Nine cur cur- curtain I as-I tom tam calls is all she bho got And nd she acknowledged them with tears ot of o joy and surprise rolling down her cheeks That brings us to the other point about London An Amer Amer- AmerIcan American American ican audience Is fickle tickle It will stick to 10 an actress for a year or so but It if she doesn t keep on It it she is soon in the discard Not so these They form the most loyal inthe In Inte the te world The stick to their fa- fa ta through thick and thin They not only like Ilke them They love lo them Even today poor old mien Ellen Terry sight ht and hearing going steps fee fee- tee tee-bl bl and thin shadow of ot her former self elf evokes a n wild reception every she she she is brought on the stage at some seme great charity performance She doesn't say a word She sim- sim simply sim simply i ply pI comes on and ind bows boMI and allt all these Britons whoso whose fathers and grand grand- fathers r grandfathers grand loved t te tle e great actress In her prime stand up and cheer So that's what's coming to Pauline P Lord She will probably o h good audiences In London as lung long as she lives You Tou cant can't beat some of ot these Swiss concierges In continental First they are useful be- be because be because cause CRuse they peak speak all languages that may be required In the next place they arc are slick business men An American business man who has just juet returned from Italy told me meth methis methis this th s one When en I was wars In Rome Ramo the concierge con con- con concierge at the hotel told me the tot tot- fol following lowing Sunday there was to be a great evening mass at 5 SO 80 whIch aUld be bo attended by his holiness the pope He said he could get getino no mo tl tickets for myself and daughters it I cared to pay a little for them Of course I jumped lumped at the chance He got me five and said they he 1 0 0 lire apiece c making In all pretty close to 25 The day after nc we taw saw aw theon the won won- wonderful won wonderful service we went sent ent to Naples and happened to m mention the In- In In Incident to an American friend who has ha 11 lived ed In Italy for lears ears Did you look at your heket No because It was all I tn Italian r Yes but you yo could have bave uno un- undo un do stood the word gratis Thel The vatican doesn t sell tickets to church services Ices Any decent person can get them for tor nothing If he applies K HM-HA-K 7 RIPPING Q QIn 0 in time The concierge simply cash cash- cashed cashed ed cd In on lour our Ignorance A pom us Individual all done up In monocle ellow gloves and yellow spats was sitting very com com- comfortably comfortably comfortably on one of the tho narrow seats In the London omnibuses 1 which are theoretically supposed to hold hola two people eople A strapping big fellow just leaving hIs hia work In the fac- fac fac y to I toy y stepped in The pompous individual In- In In Individual mado made no effort to move over so the newcomer sat on a considerable portion of his coat 1 0 protest naturally followed to whIch the big man replied Souse me sir but bat did yObu you yO bu buy the bus or only rent a o piece o ot It 1 t wIth YO your blinking penny |